Undercover: Date (F!Reader)

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Contains: Confessions, kisses, cuddles, nervous/flustered Sherlock, almost kidnapping, slight make out session (no nudity/smut).

It was another one of Sherlocks exciting cases, this time involving a gruesome murder of three people. He already had a lead, and a way to investigate his suspect. The only problem was, he needed someone to go with him. It was mandatory. He would have gone with John, but he was much too busy doing god knows what. So instead he invited (Y/N).

She had been their friend for a while now, at first having often just visited them, but after getting in to helping Sherlock, she made the decision to move into 221C. It took a while to clean and get fixed up, but with Ms Hudson and Johns assistance they had it done in only a few days.

As much as he hated to admit it, Sherlock had taken a massive liking to her. She was adorable in everything she did. She was sweet, caring, beautiful, intelligent. But she was quite childish at times as well, which annoyed Sherlock to a slight extent. But she looked after him. Often getting him tea when he was busy working. He loved that about her.

"(Y/N), I have to go work on a case. It's some... Fancy party or something. Johns busy and I need someone to come with me. Get dressed. We have to go in an hour." Sherlock demanded as he walked into the females flat. She glanced to him curiously.

"A case? I... Uh. Ok sure... But I can't get ready with you standing there." She stated. He stared at her for a brief moment before making his way out, slamming the door closed after him.


"When I said we were going to a party I didn't mean get dressed up so much. You'll attract unwanted attention." Sherlock grumbled as he sat back, staring outside. (Y/N) looked to him, observing his suit. It was clean, fresh, new. This caused her to giggle and smile.

"Scolding me when you're the one in something that looks new." She scoffed. He glanced to her. Oh sometimes she could be just as good as him, and it amused him. He rolled his eyes slightly as they soon reached the large mansion.

"We're here." He sighed, climbing out and offering his hand to her. She gingerly took it as she climbed out, glancing around. The place was huge. But she barely got a chance to take everything in as he began dragging her towards the front door. Out of nowehere he pulled two masks from his suit.

"It's some sort of masquarade party. You'll need this. I hope you can dance too." He grumbled, moving to put the mask on her. She squeaked lightly but let him, watching as he put his own mask on then entered the building, pulling her along.

She tilted her head curiously as she followed him in to what looked like a dance floor.

"I just need to get close enough to the owner. I think she may be the reason for the deaths." He muttered to her as he pulled her to the dance floor, resting one hand on her waist and holding the other. He raised a brow before grumbling in annoyance.

"You can't dance. Can you?" He grumbled before gently lifting her onto his toes. He sighed, moving around with her on his feet, a light blush on his cheeks. Slowly he moved to brush a strand of hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"Sherlock?" She asked softly.

"If we're to be dancing and such, we should probably act as a couple." He stated sweetly before noticing the woman he needed to get to.

"In a moment I'm going to switch to dance with her so I can deduce her completely. Just stay safe, ok." He demanded, moving a bit closer to the woman. (Y/N) pouted a bit, casing him to chuckle.

"No need to act like a puppy dog." He scoffed. He gently took her cheek before placing a light kiss on her lips, then making his way to the woman, leaving his friend flustered. She smiled, moving to the food table as she waited. She stayed there for a short while before making her way to find a bathroom, passing through an empty hallway. Though out of nowhere someone grabbed her from behind, a wet cloth pressed against her mouth. Her eyes widened as she squirmed and struggled, unable to get free. Her eyes slowly closed before she noticed Sherlock, gun in hand and aimed to the man.

"Let her go." Sherlock demanded. The man glared to him, dropping (Y/N) who was falling unconscious. The man bolted and Sherlock quickly ran to (Y/N), gently cupping her cheek. She leant into him, soon passing out unconscious.

"What a pain." He muttered, pulling his phone out to call Lestrade, informing him of everything as he kept (Y/N) close to his chest. He knew she wouldn't wake soon so he stayed by her side, soon hearing sirens of the police. Sherlock lifted her carefully when he heard the police storm in. Lestrade soon found them, running to them.

"Does she need an ambulance?" He asked. Sherlock shook his head.

"It was only chloroform. She'll be fine." He replied, taking her out and hailing a cab which pulled up quickly. An officer moved over to them, opening the door and closing it once Sherlock climbed in.

"221B Baker Street." He demanded, playing with (Y/N)s hair gently as she slept. She looked quite peaceful. Her hair lightly tickling her nose which twitched slightly. It caused the man to smile softly. He sighed, watching outside relieved to finally get back. Once they were parked up, he climbed out, went and opened the door to his flat, returned to the door, carefully grabbed her and closed the door after himself before walking in to the house with her. He kicked the door shut after himself then made his way upstairs, taking her to the couch before sitting. He didn't put her down though, instead he held her closely as she slept. As she nuzzled into him. Eventually she began to wake, whining softly before tiredly looking around.

"You're awake. I was almost worrying about you." He stated, removing their masks and setting them down before. The female giggled lightly, still moderately tired as she sat up in his lap. He smiled softly, stroking her hair gently. Oh how soft it was.

"(Y/N). I have been wanting to admit something for quite a while now. Something I don't know how to explain. That... I don't understand." He muttered annoyed.

(Y/N) stared at him curiously before gently removing his tie.

"Every time I hang around you I always get an odd feeling. Everything you do. It seems... Odd. They make my chest... Warm. Fluffy feeling even. I don't know. Which is impossible because chests can't feel fluffy. But I enjoy it. Your presence I mean. You're not as... Dull and idiotic as most people are. That and you seem to enjoy me deducing things." Sherlock explained nervously, glancing away. The words only made (Y/N) smile sweetly, sliding her hand to his chest gently before lightly pressing her lips against his.

His eyes widened slightly but he gently rest his hands on her waist, holding her closely before deepening the kiss.

"I feel the same way about you." She said softly after slightly parting. He grinned brightly before shoving his lips against hers once again, holding her tightly as she straddled him. He continued to kiss her before pulling away briefly, only to lay her on the couch and crawl on top of her.

It caused her to giggle softly, smiling up at him.

"Never thought you'd be so... Forceful." She cooed, causing him to smirk and kiss her once again, this time more passionate, and with tongue. She whined lightly, rubbing his chest a bit before he bit her lower lip gently, tugging lightly on it before sucking and kissing it. Soon he returned to kissing both lips, his hands sliding along her sides. One hand slowly travelled down her thigh, lightly stroking.


They both immediately froze at the sound. They knew who it was.

"I thought you'd be out longer John." Sherlock scowled, glancing back to see both John and Lestrade. Sherlock grumbled a bit as he sat up, now straddling (Y/N).

"Can't you see we're busy?" He groaned angrily, causing the female to giggle softly.

"Well... I am going to bed." She hummed, sitting up. Sherlock looked to her and pouted before moving to lightly kiss her.

"Fine. Don't hog the blankets." He demanded, getting off of her and letting her go to his bedroom.


Sherlock finally managed to get away from the bickering two and immediately made his way to his bedroom, kicking off his trowsers, coat and shirt before climbing into the bed, besides his sweet (Y/N) who was fast asleep. He grumbled, climbing under the blanket and wrapping his arms around (Y/N) tugging her closer and kissing her shoulder.

"Good night. Princess." He muttered, finally falling asleep with her in his warm embrace.

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