Sleeping Trouble

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(Please read the description if you haven't. It's really important!)

After graduating from Canterlot High, all the main (mane☺️) girls moved in with their girlfriend (minus Fluttershy because she's the only one who's straight and she never moved in with her boyfriend Discord. She lives with 200 animals)

One afternoon, everyone had agreed to meet for band practice at 7 the next morning. It would be at Sweet Apple Acres. The night before, however, was restless for most of the girls.

Pinkie + Rainbow

Rainbow Dash woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She pushed Pinkie Pie's arm off her gently, and left the room. Once she was in the bathroom where there was light, she glanced in the mirror and noticed there was something the color of blood on her shirt. After it wouldn't brush off, Rainbow sighed.

"Oh not again, Pinkie," She muttered. "That's the fourth time this week." Rainbow went back to bed. She could deal with it in the morning. No need to wake her girlfriend up for something so minor, something that had happened so many times before.

"Dashie?" Pinkie asked in a small, sleepy, voice. "Did you say something?"

"Pinks, I'm gonna turn the light on a second," Rainbow said. She got up and hit the light. Pinkie closed her eyes.

"Can I see your hands?" Rainbow asked. Pinkie stuck her hands out.

"Did I do it again?" Pinkie asked.  The sides of her thumbs were raw and bleeding.

"Yeah. Hang on a sec. Lemme get the bandaids." Rainbow leaned over and grabbed bandaids. She also added a talley to a chart. She was counting how many times this had happened. It was up to 105, and they'd only lived together for 4 months. The first night, Rainbow didn't know about Pinkie's habit of picking her thumbs in the middle of the night. She had worn a white shirt and woken up with it ruined beyond fixing.

Pinkie looked around. Her pillow and part of the blanket had the same stains on them that Rainbow's shirt did. Pinkie's shirt did, too. Rainbow helped Pinkie put the bandaids on her thumbs.

"We just need to wash your pillowcase and our shirts again," Rainbow said.

"And the blanket," Pinkie added.

"And the blanket. Don't worry about it. And... maybe you need to put bandaids on before bed?" Rainbow suggested.

"Okie Dokie Lokie. Why didn't I think of that before?" Pinkie said. Rainbow shook her head. Maybe they would be able to get some sleep. That was doubtful though. It was 3am already. Rainbow turned off the light, and gave Pinkie a kiss. They both tried to go back to sleep.

The next morning, Pinkie was shaking Rainbow. Pinkie had been up for an hour and had time to eat and get dressed. Rainbow was still asleep.

"Come on!" Pinkie said. "Band practice is in 10 minutes!" That got Rainbow up.

"Pinkie! Why didn't you wake me earlier?" Rainbow asked.

"I've been trying for half an hour, duh!" Rainbow sighed. She got up and tried and failed to run a brush through her rainbow snarls as she ate some toast.

"Don't forget to change!" Pinkie said.

"Yeah yeah," Rainbow said. "Now come on!" She grabbed Pinkie's arm and they ran out the door.

Rarity + Applejack

Applejack was trying to sleep, key word being trying. It was nearly impossible with Rarity flopping around so much. To make matters worse, Rarity's nightgown had sharp sequins on it and it was long sleeved. But Applejack wasn't going to wake Rarity up, no matter what. That is, until Rarity started whimpering and hit Applejack in the face with the sharp sequins. Now Applejack had to wake Rarity up, not just for Rarity's sake, but for her own too.

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