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A/N: I'm making the main few characters all saiyans to help this story progress, as I don't think I'll be venturing further than Namek. Oh, and Trunks an adult.


The age was 737.

Frieza had lost to the Saiyan army, and peace began restoring through the galaxy, and more importantly on Planet Vegeta.

The King  was kept safe from war, but the planet felt the loss of infantry more than those who were unaffected, those who were commanding, those who didn't get touched.

(Y/N) had been rescued from Frieza's clutches, battered, bruised, bloodied. Like many of the other Saiyans. All from trying to keep herself and her comrades from a death at the hands of an angry alien with a Napoleon complex. 

She had been housed with her older brothers, Goku and Raditz, in the medical bay of the palace, where everyone was out of harms way, recovering, except (Y/N). 

The extent of her injuries were something to behold, a lower-class warrior with the spirit of the elites was nothing to be ashamed of, but the abuse her elite comrades gave her only made the injuries worse, especially when no one was looking. 

Goku wanted her home, but Raditz bickered that she would be safer where she was, not that she was aware of any of this, being encased in the healing chamber after more damage came.

[Time Lapse of 6 Months]

(Y/N) made it out eventually. Raditz gave up and let Goku bring her home, obviously he knew what was going on behind closed doors.

"Goku..." his younger sister called, her throat hoarse from not using it for so long. "Raditz..."

She was in her room alone, but at least it was her own bed, her own safety net for when the world faltered.

The two boys got up from their seats in the dining room, thinking they heard something and rushed to her room, only to be greeted by a weakly-smiling (Y/N), trying her best to sit up. "I'm back, boys." She said weakly as they rushed to either side of her bed, them both helping her situate herself comfortably, Goku using Instant Transmission to get water and back in the blink of an eye. 

Raditz manoeuvred himself slowly on to the edge of the bed, before tightly wrapping his arms around his baby sister. Goku did the same, but slightly more gently as his arms were around her waist, instead of her shoulders like Raditz. 

"We thought you were a goner..." Raditz weakly said, gently kissing the top of the girl's head and letting out a shaky breath.

Goku started to cry, overwhelmed by the events unfolding before him, but soon felt a hand stroke his hair every so softly. "I'm daddy's little girl, I'm not gonna give up that easily..." she mumbled with a weak laugh, making her brothers feel better.

15 minutes of cuddling with her older brothers, and her strength began to return. She could feel their strength flowing through her, and it gave her the drive to move. Unfortunately, her body had other ideas since she was so frail form not eating for a fair few months, all thanks to a coma.

"I'm gonna go and tell everyone who's been waiting. A lot of your platoon have been waiting for you to wake up." Raditz said before leaving (Y/N) and Goku behind.

Goku gently let go of (Y/N) and stood up. "Come on, sis. Let's get you up and at em!" He said with that ridiculous grin. She gently laughed and she took Goku's hands and swung her legs off her bed, noticing now she was in the same Gi as Goku. She carefully took each step until she was at the door, at which point Goku let go, but stayed close as she made her way to the reception room.

When she turned the corner, she saw all of her platoon, her friends. There was Yamcha, Krillin, Tien, Trunks, Chaozu, ChiChi and Bulma. There were a fair few missing, which saddened young (Y/N), but she was happy to see those who survived in front of her. 

The first people to come up and greet her were Bulma and ChiChi. They both held one hand on either side of (Y/N)'s face, making sure they weren't dreaming before they started to blubber, holding on to her tightly. (Y/N) began crying at that point, one arm holding each of the girls close as it became a sobbing circle, with more and more people joining in, except Raditz and Yamcha who pretended not to be crying for 5 minutes until they saw everyone crying with joy, in which case they broke down and hugged each other. 

Krillin sniffled as he grabbed a box of tissues, offering them out to everyone. The crying lasted a while, but when it died down, (Y/N) ended up back with Raditz and Goku, both with a hand in each of hers. The black-haired Saiyan female learned that whilst she was out for the count, ChiChi and Goku found solace in one-another and ended up dating, whilst Bulma and Raditz had a fling that turned into a relationship, and Yamcha found a Saiyan girl on the other side of the town to see. 

It made (Y/N) realised she was alone in that sense, not that it really bothered her; her job is to protect the planet from annihilation, not procreation at this point. All of a sudden, she was pulled from her thoughts as a knock at the door came, the three siblings looking at one another, shrugging and letting Raditz get the door.

(Y/N) peeked round the corner, only to see her brother drop to one knee and bow. "It's an honour for you to visit our house, my lord." A gruff male voice could then be heard. "Holy shit. It's King Vegeta!" She telepathically told Goku, who immediately started clearing things up, warning the squad to smarten up and helping his sister into her uniform.

By the time that had happened, the king had entered, looking for the girl. "I'm here to see the soldier, (Y/N)." As he said that, she and Goku returned, Goku supporting his sister as she attempted to bow, holding in a cry of pain. The king raised his hand to waver the idea of bowing, and sat down in a chair, ushering to her to take a seat too.

"I have a proposition for yourself and your friends," the king began, ushering to the rest of the group as he spoke. "My son unfortunately needs a new squad. He spoke of how you and your squad acted valiantly in the battle, especially yourself. He said there was a fire in your eyes which he liked in a warrior. I am here to ask you, as well as your friends, if you would become the personal squad in charge of my son's safety."

(Y/N) stared blankly at the king. 'He wants US to protect his son... he wants us to be part of the Palace Guard...' She thought carefully before turning to the squad. They all seemed to be so excited for the opportunity, and she nodded to them. 

"When do we begin?"

A Certain Type of Saiyan; Vegeta x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now