Karkat x Bullied!Reader - Broken

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A/N; I know some people find it harder to read in all caps, which is why Karkat is going to be talking in normal text. Just know that he is yelling. Thank you! This is my first Homestuck imagine, so sorry if it was OOC. Please know that I love all of you and I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day!

        You hopped up on the couch, ready to begin your movie marathon with Karkat. This now became a tradition for the two of you. Each Friday, you'd somehow find yourself at his house watching the tear jerking movies with your best friend, even if he did all the crying. On the other hand, you weren't one for showing emotion. Thoughts clouded your mind thinking of the bullies at school that day. At first it had been just insults tossed your way. When you told Karkat he told you to 'Suck it up.' You did just that, but it got worse to the point were you were almost close to mute. 

        Karkat came out of the kitchen and sat down on the couch next to you. He handed you some [F/F] and dimmed the lights, which was your cue to begin the movie. Hesitantly you grabbed the remote, worried about the movie that Karkat picked out. Each Friday he always picked the same damn movie, so of course you demanded that if you were to come over he'd have to pick out a different movie. You leaned back down into the couch, sighing at blank screen. Suddenly a name popped up; 'The Spectacular Now'. Glancing over his way, you raised a brow in questioning. He shrugged. "You said pick a different movie."

        The first half of the movie went along smoothly. Karkat had already been laughing quite a few times, but as for you a forced smile was all that was on your face. You had placed your phone in your lap, checking it ever so often. Your main bully [B/N] would somehow get a hold of your number and so would the other bullies. Multipul times you had changed your number but they still found some way to obtain it. Apperently physical bullying wasn't enough, so their harassment followed you home. Tugging at your long sleeves you hoped that Karkat was too wrapped up in his movie, but your action didn't go unnoticed.

        Suddenly your phone buzzes. No, [Y/N]. No. You will not do this. Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it! But sadly you couldn't. Your eyes danced down to your phone, seeing five texts. Casting a quick glance over at Karkat you dimmed the phone's brightness and began to read. [Y/N], right? Hey bitch. You know you could stand to loose some weight. Well that tugged the heart. God you're such a little fucker. Over at Karkat's house again? What are you doing fucking him? Slut. That hurt. You knew you should stop, but you couldn't resist. By the time you had gotten to the fifth message, tears welled up in your eyes. Karkat glanced over at you, but said nothing. You saw him out of the corner of your eye, but he turned. 

        Scrolling on your phone, you noticed that your friend Terezi had texted you. Hope fluttered within.  Maybe she could cheer you up. But oh how wrong you were. Looking down, you read her text. Your small smile fell from your face as you read the message. [Y/N]. How d4r3 you sl33p with K4rk4t. You whor3. Now that, that crushed you. As far as you knew, Terezi had a crush on Karkat. You were completly fine with this, other than the fact that you also liked him. She knew you would never do such a thing, you respected her to much. Texts started to flood your phone but you tossed it aside. A silent tear fell from your [E/C] orbs that now were glazed over by tears. 

        You burried your head in your arms that were wrapped around your legs. Thoughts cluttered your brain. Thought you could trust Terezi. What a stupid idea. Suddenly, you felt a hand being placed on your shoulder. You lift you head up only to meet the gaze of Karkat. He gave you a questioning glance. "You alright [Y/N]?" Oh how you just wanted to throw your arms around the Cancer and just cry, and that's just what you did. "Karkat." Your voice was bairly above a whisper. You broke down, right then and there. Sobs wracked your body as you let out all of your tears. Shocked at the sudden contact, he stiffened up. After a few moments he embraced you. 

         "I'm sorry I jus-" You were cut off by a pair of lips crashing on yours. His tounge danced around in your mouth as you savord the moment. He reluctantly pulled away and looked you in the eyes. "[Y/N],"  He looked down and then back up at you. "I'm so sorry that you went through this. No one should have to put up with what you went through." You hung your head, his fingers lifting your head to meet his eyes. 

        "Please don't listen to them. They are such assholes, because they can't see what an amazing girl you are [Y/N]. I'm flushed for you." He embraced you in a hug and wrapped your arms around his frame. You pulled away and looked up at him. You kissed him and smiled. "Flushed for you too." 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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