Chapter 1

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"General Hammond...General Hammond, Sir!"

General George Hammond stopped midstride as he heard someone calling his name. Footsteps rapidly approached from behind. Turning around, he smiled as he saw who approached. It was

the young woman who had been hovering at Jacob's bedside when George had first arrived at the hospital.

"Yes, um, Miss, the General said politely as the young woman rushed up to him, concerned written plainly on her face.

"General, I know you must be very busy. But, may I please have a quick word?" the young woman asked him earnestly.

Hammond's heart sank. Oh no, not more bad news, he worried, wondering what could possibly be worse than what Jacob had just told him.

"Well, if it is about Jacob Carter, you can have more than a quick word, Ma'am," Hammond told her with a faint smile. One of his oldest friends was dying, and George was just glad to know that someone was here and was personally looking after him.

All dying old men should be so lucky; Hammond could not help thinking as he gazed at the attractive young woman in front of him.

I should not have let Sam go on that damned mission; George berated himself for the millionth time as the young woman motioned him off in to a side room. The room was completely empty except for a cot, and a chair. The girl closed the door firmly behind them, and then pulled the chair around so that it faced the empty cot. She motioned him to the chair while she perched uncomfortably on the edge of the bed. He thought of getting up and offering her the chair, but her urgency decided him against it.

"General Hammond, Sir," she began somewhat uncertainly. "I hope you won't think I'm trying to pry. However..." The girl wrung her hands for a moment, and then she burst out. "You must get Jacob's daughter back here, and as soon as possible."

The General cleared his throat a bit uncomfortably.

"Well, I am afraid that is easier said than done, Ma'am. Jacob's daughter--"

I know exactly what he has told you," she interrupted him. "He has told you not to call her, in no uncertain terms, right?"

Hammond nodded, and suppressed a smile.

"Well, just ignore that," she told him flatly. "You just ignore whatever he told you to do. I don't mean to sound cold, Sir but--"She broke off yet again.

Hammond was deeply touched to see two tears welling up in the young woman's blue eyes. She angrily shoved them with the heel of her hand, her eyes never leaving Hammond's face.

"He doesn't have very long at all, Sir. You know that by now, and Samantha ... I mean, his daughter ...she needs to be here. Not just for his Sake, but for her peace of mind as well. So, you just ignore whatever that stubborn old man in there says; it is just his pride talking, and not his Father's heart. Samantha is the one who will have to live with this for the rest of her life, not getting to say a proper Goodbye to her Father...."

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