Through the Looking Glass

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Zack watched as his cousin, Kenny, meandered out to the curb, opened the car door, and slid into the passenger seat.

"Hey," Kenny murmured.

"Hey," Zack returned, waiting for Kenny to buckle his seat belt before he put the car in Drive. They were making their way down the quiet boulevards before Kenny said more.

"What are we doing again?"

"My friends, remember? They want to--"

"Oh yeah," Kenny interjected, nodding, "They wanna look at crime scene photos. I remember now." There was a long pause before Kenny spoke again, "How'd you say these guys found out about me again?"

"Last night we were all sitting around talking about some website Kelly was looking for. The conversation just sorta went that way, I guess. I dunno?"

"What website?"

"I don't even know, honestly. Cade was talking about some shit he'd seen online. Then, Kelly started talking about all this underground stuff. It sounded weird as hell to me," Zack shrugged.

"What do you mean, underground?"

"I dunno? She just kept talking about some website. I thought it sounded fake."

"Why? What did she say?"

"She said there was this website that supposedly had all these crazy pictures on it. The stuff she was saying made me think it was bogus," Zack explained before adding, "I went ahead and hit you up anyway though. I figured you'd be into it regardless."

"Yeah, why not?" Kenny chuckled sarcastically.

"Don't act like you're all put out. It's not like you had anything better to do."


"But, listen," Zack cautioned, "don't be saying anything about that underground stuff unless Kelly brings it up, okay? I dunno if I was supposed to mention that. As far as you're concerned, she wants to see some crime scene bullshit, got it?"

"Whatever," Kenny repeated before going quiet for several moments. Then, after a long pause, he asked, "So, Kelly. Is she hot?"

Zack merely rolled his eyes.

Kelly lived in a ranch-style brick house in an upscale neighborhood. As they pulled into the driveway, Kenny automatically glanced down at his clothes. His hoody and t-shirt weren't too bad, he decided, but his jeans were hopelessly faded and his sneakers were well past their prime. Oh well, it wasn't as though he could change anything now, he mused as he slid out of the car.

Zack jogged up the front steps ahead of Kenny and rang the doorbell expectantly. But, when Kelly answered the door, she looked more confused than pleased.

"What are you doing here?" she asked tentatively, pulling the door open several inches, but no further.

"I brought Kenny," Zack explained, "I thought you wanted to meet him."

"No," she looked at him pointedly, "I asked Cade to talk to you about maybe getting his number. I never said anything about bringing bring him over here," she returned, clearly annoyed, "I'm in my sweats."

"He just said you wanted to talk to him," Zack protested, "I just figured..." he sighed helplessly, very aware that he'd upset her albeit unintentionally, "Look, I'm sorry alright?"

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