1. In which Specter cries like a loser

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Recruiting the Order Of No Quarter wasn't so bad. Specter Knight was confident in his scythe abilities, he was swift and powerful, and he was able to recruit seven knights for the Enchantress fairly easily. Of course, it was a task that wasn't without the occasional mishap or grueling battle, but he always emerged victorious in the end. No, the recruitment wasn't the issue. The problem was that the newly recruited knights had to live in the tower of fate, and that meant that there was a lot of commotion and activity, which Specter didn't like at all. He was somewhat of a lone wolf, preferring to spend most his time in quiet solitude. And now that was almost impossible, with seven equally egotistical and rambunctious men whose very presences seemed to fill every inch of every room until there was nowhere left to hide.

The absolute worst time was dinner every night. They were all expected to eat together, Specter included for some reason, as was the code for knights of an order. Specter didn't even have to eat in order to sustain himself, being undead, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't eat too much, and his sense of taste had been so severely altered after his death that most foods tasted terrible to him. So every night was always spent sitting at the table, enduring, surviving, doing nothing, until he could leave. The other knights never failed to get on his nerves with their loud and uproarious conversations. He would try to tune them out, never joining in on their rambles or picking a side in their arguments.

It was late October, and the days were short and cold. As per usual, Specter sat silently at the dinner table, having to suffer through what was, in his opinion, probably the worst topic of discussion to date: love, led by the ever-boisterous Propeller Knight.

"Mole Knight!" He said in a provocative tone, swirling a glass of wine in one hand. "Tell me, do you have a special sweetheart in your life, hmm?"

"Me? Oh no, I haven't been able to find anyone willing to get their claws dirty like I do."

"Oh, that certainly will not do! There is someone for everyone, mon ami!"

"Or someones, in your case. Just how many partners have you had in your life?" At this, Propeller chuckled suggestively.

"Hmm, certainly a few. Sometimes I would have a new one every night, and I certainly can't remember them all, hon hon!" Specter scowled under his mask at that comment. Apparently, he wasn't alone in his disgust, because King Knight scoffed.

"How improper! How shallow! I could never be so frivolous, so promiscuous! Why, the very thought of it makes me ill!"

"Oh ho, so you prefer someone more long-term? A Queen Knight to rub your royal shoulders and peel you grapes?"

"My desires are none of your concern!"

"I could never commit to a long-term relationship," Treasure Knight interrupted, probably to King's relief. "They'd want to split my treasure, they'd take 50%, at least! Is anything worth that much?"

"But what if they loved treasure just as much as you? Then they would not only help you acquire more, but they'd share their wealth as well! Combined, you'd be the richest knights in the world!"

"Hm, I suppose..."

"Hon hon! And what about you, Specter Knight?" Specter inwardly groaned at the mention of his name. He'd been hoping that he could avoid this conversation. "Do you have anyone in your life?"


"Well that simply won't do! There must be someone you fancy, hmm?"

"No." As he said it, Specter felt his heart pang, but he ignored it.

"Hee hee! It's probably that no one fancies him! I mean, look at him!" Plague Knight interjected, and Specter shot him a glare, even though it wasn't visible.

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