Her Past

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                                                                             Part 1

Emilia was running around her fathers house excitedly for tomorrow was her birthday. She ran up to her father and jumped up and down whining.

"Daddy why wont you tell me where we're going tomorrow?"

"Because sweetie it's a surprise and birthday girls can't ruin their birthday surprises."

"Why not? Just tell me pleeeeeease!"

Her father sighed. He was exhausted and didn't want to have to deal with his daughters whining, but he wouldn't let his daughter know that. "I'm sorry sweetie but no, that's final. Now then, it's time for you to go to bed, okay sweetie? "

"Okay daddy." She walked towards her bedroom then suddenly stopped, turned around, and smiled. "I love you daddy!"

"I love you too." He smiled back.

That was the last thing she said to him.

She woke up to the sound of someone walking through the front door. Terrified she slowly tip-toed to her bedroom door. As she peeked though it, she saw her father slowly walking down the hallway. He turned around hearing his daughter's door open.

"Hide." He mouthed then turned back around. Emilia almost shut the door then peeked through the little sliver left. All of a sudden her father ran back down the hallway and stopped in front of her door. There trailing behind him was Mr. Vince. Mr. Vince was Emilia's teacher who always had a strange obsession with Emilia.

"Give her to me now!" Mr. Vince yelled. Emilia didn't understand, give who to him.

"Over my dead body! Who the fuck do you think you are?! That's my daughter!" She gasped they were talking about her!

Mr. Vince smirked. "Okay then" He raised the hand gun that Emilia didn't relies he had. BANG! he pulled the trigger. Her father fell onto the floor and tried crawling to her, but he stopped moving just short of her door as the clock chimed midnight.

It was her birthday.

Mr. Vince started walking towards her room. Scared, Emilia ran and hid under her bed. All of a sudden her door bursts open as Mr. Vince kicked it in.

"Where are you sweetie?" Mr. Vince started looking around. Shaking with fear she tried to stay as quiet as possible.

"Are you in here?" He slammed open the closet and tisked. "I guess not." He sighed, he didn't have time to play these games with her, he wanted her now. Walking over, he stood at the side of Emilia's bed, grabbed her pillow and pulled it to his face taking a deep breath. Emilia squeaked at the sound. Mr. Vince smirked, his face still in the pillow. He knew just where she was. Immediately he squatted down and reached under her bed grabbing her ankle and pulled.

"Peek a Boo! I Found You!" Emilia shrank back at the insane smile Mr. Vince had on his face. He lifted her up and threw her on her bed. She scrambled up and tried to escape, but failed as Mr. Vince pined her down on the bed. She started screaming. Growling Mr. Vince flipped her on to her stomach then pointed the gun at her. "Shut up and hold still!" Mr. Vince walked over to her dresser and started opening her drawers trying to find something to tie her up and gag her with. With a satisfied grin he pulled out two pairs of her knee-high socks and a bandanna left over from her Halloween costume that year. Her eyes widened in fear. What was he going to do to her. He slowly walked over to her. "Are you gonna cooperate with me?" Emilia nodded. Mr. Vince glared and slapped her. "Speak up!"

"Y-yes Sir." She said in a soft shaky voice. Mr. Vince smiled at her sweetly.

"Good girl." He started petting her head then tied up limbs to the head bored and bed post. Emilia squeaked in pain at the tightness of the socks tied around her wrist and ankles. With her stomach now pinned to her bed, Mr. Vince yanked her hair back and smirked. "As much as I'd love to hear you scream, we can't have the neighbors hearing you." He took the bandanna and tied it around her head gagging her. Emilia started crying she was so scared. What was he going to do? She didn't understand, she thought he liked her but why was he being so mean? Mr. Vince was elated, he loved the tears running down her face. he started lifting up her night gown and licked up her back as the skin started showing. He loved this she was shaking with fear and silently begging for him to stop. He pulled her night gown over her head causing it to loop around her neck. Emilia shivered from the cold and fear as Mr. Vince pulled out a dragon carved dagger. Mr. Vince grinned widely at the sight of her. he couldn't wait for the muffled screams of pain that will come out of her mouth. Emilia tried to see what he was doing but her head couldn't twist that far. All of a sudden she feels a sharp pain of something cool cutting into her. She screamed as much as she could with the gag in her mouth. He laughed darkly at the sound of her pain. "Oh sweetie it'll be okay. Soon you'll understand." She kept screaming as the blade started carving curved and strait designs into her back. The feel of her blood trickling down her sides made her gag.

'Stop, please...stop.' She thought. She passed out from the pain, this made Mr. Vince stop. He was in love with how Emilia looked. Her hair was all disheveled with tears running down her face and the beautiful crimson colored blood streaming down her sides. He leaned down and licked up a bit of her blood moaning. She tasted amazing to him. He walked out of her room and came back with a glass of ice water. He then dumped it on her back and head. Emilia awoke and squeaked from the cold and pain. Mr. Vince pulled her head back by her hair till she was looking at him.

"We can't have you sleeping through all the fun now can we?" She squeezed her eyes shut in fear. He stuck his finger in one of her cuts and scowled at her. "Look at me!" He yelled. She opened her eyes and fearfully looked into his. He smiled at the pain and fear in her eyes. "Good girl, now we're not done yet sweetie. He started carving into her again when all of a sudden they heard sirens. "Shit!" he cursed as Emilia sighed in relief. She thought she was safe until she felt a sharp pain as Mr. Vince stabbed her next to her left shoulder blade. She screamed out as much as she could with the gag in her mouth. She suddenly felt Mr. Vince's fingers dig into her wounds and his body lean over her as he whispered. "You're mine. Never forget that. He then walked away and jumped out the window.

She heard a bang on the front door. "Police, open up!"

She screamed as loud as she could with the gag in her mouth. 'Please let them hear me' She silently begged. All of a sudden she heard the front door break down and the loud foot steps of the officers. She screamed out even more with a muffled and cracking voice. "In here!" the officer yelled. Then her door burst open and an officer ran in. "Call an ambulance!" Emilia felt relived as the officer took out her gag.

"Thank you." Emilia meekly said

"What is your name?" asked a masculine sounding officer


She passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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