'HearTT GameSS'

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Chapter 1

When I woke up Deandre's side of the bed was empty as usual. I wrapped my hair in a loose bun and put a plate of leftover chicken in the microwave.

I took the plate out once the microwave stoped and sat down at the table. As soon as I got ready to eat some there was a knock on the door. Every time I try to sit and relax or eat its always some body at the damn door. I walked over to the door to answer it.

"Wassup" Trae said standing in the door way

"Nothing, Deandre not hear so you can just bounce" I said trying to close the door but he put his foot in the way.

"Im not hear for Deandre , if you know what I mean" He winked walking in the door

"Get out now" I shouted but he ingored taking his shoes off and laying back on the couch all into the tv

I rolled my eyes and sat at the table to finish my chicken.

"So wassup with me and you" He asked still looking at the tv

"Im with your friend , remember" I shook my head

"You with him but he just using you, Every time I see him he with another girl" He looked at me

"You just like everybody else Trae, everybody wanna hate on our relationship , I mean come on now are you mad" I snapped

"Hold up, I dont hate on shit im just telling you the truth but you gone find out for your self" He shook his head

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat me chicken. After I got done eating my chicken I got in the shower, brushed my teeth and threw on some pink boy shorts with a white tank top.

I walked in the living room and Trae was still laid back watching tv. He mumbled something but I couldnt make the words out. As soon as I got ready to make a bowl of icecream the phone started ringing. I walked over to pick it up.

(Trae Pov)

"Yo who is that" I said walking over to her

"Deandre" , she whispered

"Aye wattup Deadre" I shouted making sure he could hear me

She rolled her eyes and walked over to the kitchen counter.

"So you mad now" i asked grabbing her ass

She smacked my hand and turned to face the counter. I wrapped my arms around her waist making sure there was no space between us. She tried pushing me away but my grip is too tight.

"Can you stop" She managed to turn and face me

"Damn yo niples are as hard as a rock" I said tracing one of them

She pushed me and turned to face the counter again taking Deandre off of speaker phone. I slid my hand inside her boy shorts and motioned my middle finger in circuilar motions pressing it against her clit.

"Stop" she moaned softly

"Whats wrong, Deandre might hear you moaning " I laughed

She tried stoping me at first but when my hand started going faster she clenched on to the phone tightly trying not to let Deandre hear her moaning. I smacked her ass and put my middle finger and index finger inside of her going in and out.

She tried yelling into the phone telling Deandre to calm down but she could barely get her words out. As soon as her legs started shaking and she started coming she dropped the phone on the floor.

"You asshole" she said throwing a towel at me

"You liked it though" I smiled

"No i didnt like it at all , and you need to talk to your homeboy" She said picking up her phone

"I cant tell, the way you was moaning and cumming it sure did seam like you liked it" I said wiping my hand off

" Damn he wont even pick up the phone now " she punched me in the arm

(Bree Pov)

I punched Trae in the arm and walked over to lay on the couch. I really hope that Deandre isnt still mad when he gets hear. He always threatin to hit me but he never actualy do it so im not too worried about that. Trea sat on the couch and put my feet on his lap.

"I think its time for you to leave now" I rolled my eyes

"Mommy be cool " He said massaging my feet

"How am I gonna be cool when you just caused another problem in our relationship " I said punching him again

"Oooo I like your agresiveness" He smiled

"This aint funny " I shook my head

"You right it aint funny, Look how he got you , always sitting up in this house making sure his dumb ass dont get caught up, He always with another girl then come home.to you at night" He said massaging my other foot

"You dont know nothing" I snapped

"You know what, imma let you be a dumb ass and stay with him even though he treat you like shit but when you ready for a real man call me " He said pushing my feet away and walking towards the door

I went back into the kitchen to finish making my ice cream. A couple of seconds later I heard the front door slam causing me to jump.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2012 ⏰

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