Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Smoke. That was all she was able to see. The once blue sky, that had brought her nothing but hope everytime she looked up, was now nothing but red, bringing nothing but despair.

She couldn’t believe what she saw. She stood atop a slope of rubble, surrounded by debris. She had fought to stand, with her legs weak and shaking. Her left arm was broken, her black and red uniform tattered and torn, especially on her left shoulder. Her right eye was shut from the blood of her head wound running over it. She was exhausted physically, and yet she was still able to somehow stand.

But what she saw took all that strength away.

Right in front of her was a machine, with a humanoid figure to it. It had a silver-blue hue all over it, with lines of construction yellow going down the forearms, legs and around the torso of his slick design. The head was more like a helmet made for aerodynamics, with two glossy yellow windows for eyes and a carbon black facemask.

It was mangled.

What was once a mighty machine was now a pile of wreckage. The main body was halfway on fire, on its side with its left arm ripped off and wires everywhere. Its left lense was shattered and its face in the rubble.

She fell to her knees, in horror of what was right in front of her. What could have done this? What happened? She had practically turned blind from the tears building in both her eyes, she was doing her best to keep them from escaping and running down her dirtied face. But she couldn’t. Despite her desires not to, she began to shed all the tears she had.

There were footsteps, massive and impactful. The ground shook beneath her, much to her surprise. She wiped the tears from her eye with her one good hand, looking upwards. Her amber eyes opened wide to see the monster standing over her. A machine just like the one fallen before her, with a pitch black and bright red color scheme, and one glowing round lense in the middle of its inhuman head.

All she wanted to do was run. But where? There was no way she could get away from this thing so close to her. As it lifted its skinny arm, barely plated with its fingers like knives, all she could do was shut her eyes and scream.

Her eyes shot open as she gasped. She quickly sat up, looking around where she was. The room was small, but big enough to live in. The wall were made of metal, the same as the ceiling with beams overhead, the floor with a blue mat in the middle, and the bed, which was in the wall. The woman sighed softly setting her bare feet inches above the metal floor. From the corner of her eye she saw the display of her clock, a small purple box with a small glass orb displaying the time in bright blue three dimensional numbers. She didn’t even get a chance to look at the time completely, before a familiar annoying noise filled her ears.

“Ah, Ms. Maria Wilson! You’re awake, perfect!” A voice echoed through the small room. It was young, high in pitch and filled with energy. It made the woman groan with utter annoyance.

“You are needed on the airstrip, Ms. Maria Wilson!” The disembodied voice spoke, in which Maria gave a soft sigh. The woman picked up the brown combat boots sitting on the floor, and slipped them on before getting onto her feet. She picked up the clothes she laid out for today, formal army-wear, complete with a hat and gloves. She slipped it all on, finding it still fit perfectly, if not a little tighter in some places.

Before she left her room, she took a look at the mirror on her door. She wasn’t proud of the woman she had to look at everyday.

She grabbed the door lever, and gave it a twist before letting go. The door then began to move. Sliding into the wall and allowing the woman to leave. She just gave a shakily breath, preparing for the hell she was about to endure.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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