None of them knew the true extent of their own greed. What appears to be respectful individuals, growing accustomed to a life of torment and tribulation, in which only the strongest of minds are put through the aimless challenge of life itself. It was a rat race. The weak left to perish among previous failed casualties, inessential to the selfish souls blisfully traipsing over their mellowed bodies.
As if to imply they are proud of contributing to the rising epidemics within their falling society, they march on. Recruiting new members from every possible walk of life. The young, the old, naive and righteous standing as one to cause ultimate grief and and despair to anyone who seems fit.
To some, life is magical, packed full of unique experiences...yet who is there to say that it isn't all an illusion? A trick of the mind, false beliefs created within the bounds of our subconscious, used only as a mere distraction from the harsh truth. The truth that existance not worth living.