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¨MultiFuntimeFoxy oouuutttt!¨ terios finished as he his stop live recording. Terios moonlight, a male hermaphrodite naga, with a form of a panther and a merhog underwater. With one emerald green left eye and a robotic ruby red right eye. His quills go both down and up with a red stripe going down a five quills. He has chest fur and a pale/tan somewhat long muzzle with a claw mark scarred to his face. Terios's arms, inside of his ears, and belly are pale/tan. His tail was a long royal blue with a tip of red at the end and a small yellow stripe going down his back all the way down the tip of his tail. finally we have his angel white wings with a little hue of blue at the bottom. he just finished making another video for his ClawTube, (YouTube) he had at least 500 subscribers, and his ClawTube name was MultiFuntimeFoxy.

¨Another video done! Woo! What a day.¨ Terios said as he shut off his computer.

¨Teri! Come downstairs, dinner time!¨ Called terios's mom Lunar.

¨Coming mom!¨ Terios called as he ran down the stairs and sat at the dinner table. ¨So whats for dinner?¨ 

¨we are having spaghetti and meatballs.¨ he said as he put the food on the table. ¨after your done we will head out to your police explorers ok?¨

¨mom no offence, but i cant eat before i go there remember last time?¨ said terios as he got up.

¨Oh! yes, of course. lets go dear!¨ Lunar and Terios then got in the car and drove off. ¨So are you ready for the Cadets tonight?¨

¨yep! were-¨ just as he was about to answer a car rammed hard into there car and the got stuck on a building. ¨*coughs* *coughs* M-mom? A-are you o-okay?¨ asked terios, but Lunar didn't answer. he gets up but falls back down. ¨M-my leg... i-its broken...m-my wing t-too¨ Terios then saw his mother and crawled over to her. ¨M-mom w-wake up...¨ He shook him but he got no answer, She was dead. ¨¨ Terios then got up and got up and flew as far as his wings could carry him before he fell to the ground and passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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