Another Morning

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            "Lilly Lilly LILLY!!!!!" Callum shouted at me. Callums fifteen and the youngest boy. He sleeps on the top bunk right above me and stinks. Okay let me introduce myself, I'm Lilly Lock-heart and I have four older and annoying brothers. Callum is the youngest of them and the most annoying,then there's Luke who's seventeen and definitely the grumpiest. Joe is eighteen he's my favourite he's kind and caring. Kierian is nineteen and is begging my mum to move out and live with his girlfriend Lucy. "Shut up Callum." I shouted back "Get up first day of school dumbo!" he continued, "Who cares. Go away." I said. Kierian stormed in " Shut up both of you. Callum have you got my CD 'cause if you do I'll kill you!" This sounded like an augment " Give him the CD Callum if you have it." Joe said calmly to Callum. " Why do you always blame it on me Joe!"  "Actualy Kerian you have one of my CD's and I would like it back." Luke butted in.Now they were all arguing. I grudged out of bed and got out without them seeing me. I went down stairs and made an omelette I could hear them arguing from here. Mum came in tired and half awake " Whats started them now?" she said in mid yawn " Some stupid CD." I replied. Joe came down flushed and sighed " For god's sake will I ever get some peace?"   "Hey Lills got to get ready first day at high school remember." mum told me asif I didn't know. But I still had to wait until the argument moved out of my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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