The day it went to Hell

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!!!WARNING, GORE!!! This has my actual life story and events in it. I have never actually killed anyone and my name is not actually Sonja Little.

         Hi, I'm Sonja Little and this is the story of why and how I killed my mother's long time ex-boyfriend. You see, the simple explanation is that I'm a sociopath. The long explanation is my life story, so I'll give you all the long explanation.

         My parents never really got married, they broke off the engagement when I was four, and then, when I was five my mother dated a man who we'll call Bob. They were perfect for each other, but he was poison for me. Me and my mother's other family members all hated him. My grandmother hated him being around me because she once saw him try to kiss me on the mouth, take into account that I was a five year old girl and he was a forty-six year old man. I, aswell as most of my family, hated him. I couldn't stand him. He scated me for my life and for my safety. If you looked into his eyes you could tell he was a pedophile and that he was insane. My mother never saw it, but I did. One night my mother had to work, this was three or four days after Christmas of 2010, so the 28th or 29th of December. I begged and begged that noght to stay with my dad instead of having to go and spend a whole noght with Bob without my mother. I ended up getting raped... he also tried to kill me.... he suffocated me, I blacked out, I have no recollection of what happened the next morning besides what my mother has told me. She told me that when she got home we were in the living room and I had petechiae, which is red blotches in the eyes from strangulation or suffocation. She said that she then immediately took me to the hospital and called the police. That's all that I can recollect from that event besides telling my father that I saw his mother the bight that the event took place, his mother died before I was born.

         In 2016 on August 16th my grandfather of my mothers side passed away from cancer. He was the only one I really cared abot from that side of my family so I felt.... numb. I stayed at his casket the longest during his funeral, when they  were avout to close it I was still there... I was crying, it was the only emotion I could feel, sadness. That was the start of my depression.. and the more profound of the voices I started having and that I still have to this day. That same year in December, I think the 27th, my grandmother from my mom's side passed of stomach cancer that spread through her while body in a month. I hated her. I was happy, I fake cried with my mother beings that we watched her die. I also had to go call my grandmother's sister, aka my great aunt, to tell her that her sister had passed. It was hard to contain laighter about the whole situation, and I have no idea why I loved watching the life completely leave her body. Later on at her funeral me and my cousin spent the whole time in the vending machine room goofing off and not caring at all. After both of my mothers parents dying she turned to alchohol to solve her problems. When she got really drunk she would yell at me or hit me. One time because I couldn't take it I tried to hang myself with my alarm clock. I ended up going into the mental hospital for suicidal or violent youth in my area. In 2018 she punched me in the jaw and my lip went into my canine tooth. I called 911 for domestic violence. Although my mouth was violently bleeding, my mom had one bruise from me pushing her away. I gat charged with assult. I never got arrested since I was 12, I just had to start therapy. A few weeks after that I tried to kill myself again, and yet again had to go to the mental institute.

         On Halloween of 2018 I went trick-or-treating with my friend, we'll call her Mack. Mack and I met up at my house before my dad got there, we could both tell my mom was already drunk. When my dad got there we left in a hurry, we hit a lot of houses but ended up pissing my dad off by going down a street without telling him because we thought he was following us. We had to end the night early and go home. After my dad laft when I got home my mom was super drunk and her best friend was at the house. My mom started yelling and her friend, whi we'll call Blondie, ignored it. I grabbed my mom's phone to call my dad and she dragged my to the floor by my hair, pulling out a chunk in the process. My mom finally let me call my dad and he came and got me, then in a month he got custody and I got a restraining order. That's when I started having murderous thoughts.

         It was in April of 2019... I finally broke. I had finally found Bob's adress through hours of research. I ran away that night with a knife, a staff that I had made months ago and trained myself with, money, food, and clothes. I went into the woods to stay hidden, luckily, where I live is heavily wooded. I ran in the directions my phone's GPS told me to go. I finally got to his house, I knocked on the door not caring that it was 4 am. He surprisingly answered. He asked who I was and I told him that I'm his worst fucking nightmare. I pushed him down and walked into his home, I had bought rope on the way there. I closed the door behind me and locked it, then dragging him to his living room and tying him up. I went to check all of the rooms of the house, he had no new family so it was easy to keep the mess contained. I pulled the staff from a holder on my bag, then sitting the bag down and looking at him, he asked once again who I was and I told him that I'm Sonja Little, his eyes widened as he realized why this was happening. He had only gotten a year in jail since my mom wouldn't let me testify. I bashed his kneecaps to peices with the staff, he lived in a relatively abandoned area, so even when he screamed no one would hear him. I then grabbed the knife I had packed and cut his wrists up slightly, along with his face, legs, arms, and chest. I finally slit his throat and let him bleed out. I loved every minute of torcher and pain that I caused him. It was thrilling to watch the life drain from his body and eyes. I cleaned the mess and left, leaving the body to rot in his house.

         A few days later I was in a motel watching the News to see if anyone had found him or reported me missing yet. Someone had found his body. I heard a knock on the motel door, it was the police. That's why I'm here now, writing my confession. I know I'll kill myself in prison anyways, I'm just glad I could kill him before he could hurt any more people.  I know you think murder is wrong, but it was the right thing in my mind so here's your confession, go ahead and arrest me.

Okay, wow. 1,294 words for the story only. That's the most I've ever written and it's 5:31 AM. I haven't slept tonight

-Introvert♡ ¥w¥

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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