The Phantom

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Name: Rex Benson

Age: (Depends on the roleplay)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Human

Personality: he is very cocky and confident even when his life is in danger. He also has a flair for showing off and making dramatic decisions, such as exiting by jumping through the stained glass windows of the Casino.

He has a strong sense of justice despite his bad reputation. He also has a "gambler's spirit."

He possesses the courage and determination to take action, and has a free heart, despite his social standing and how others view him, and that he never stops choosing his own path.

He appears quiet and well-mannered, but this behavior is a profound ruse that hides the heart of a rebellious trickster. He is extremely resistant to rigid and dogmatic forms of control-based authority and order. He has received much criticism, insults, opposition and even death threats for his rebellious nature, whether it be his targets, school staff.



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Likes: Unknown

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Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: Unknown

Backstory: Unknown

Others: He is good at magic

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