And My Heart Broke.

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I sat there. Thinking of the Doctor and all the adventures we where going to have.

I couldn't imagine my blond hair flying in an alien planet's wind. Or seeing an alien race with my own blue eyes.

I couldn't hardly wait. I was just a little girl the frist time I met him. Nine, to be exact. 

His blue phone box appeared in my small bedroom and out he steped from his TARDIS, as he called it.

He was in a pinstriped suit with a button up, collared shrit and tie. His converse shoes didn't really match the rest of his outfit. And his hair was all stick-y up-y.

He was talking to himself when he walked out, but then he noticed me and said.

"Hello there, I'm the doctor."

"He-hello." I said back. "My name is Jasmine."

"Nice to meet you Jasmine." He smiled.

"Did you come for the monster under my bed?" I asked.

"Monster?" He said. Then he pulled out a strange light thingy that made a weird noise. He shined the light under my bed looking for the monster.

"Yeah, none of the adults see it." Then I leaned down and wispered, "But I can."

Just then a fierce growl erupted from under my bed. I was very scared, but the doctor stayed calm. He started to talk to it.

"You. What are you?" He asked. Another growl was heard. "But why are you under a little girl's bed?" It growled once more. "I see." The Doctor said. "Well I can take you home if you'd like. It's back now."

Then I saw the monster run into the police box and the door shut.

"There! No more monster under the bed!" He said cheerfully.

"What was that?" I asked innocently.

"It was an alien. It's home vanished and it needed a place to stay. I'll be taking it home now." He said as he walked back to his blue box.

"Can I come, too?" I asked. He stoped and turned to look at me.

He walked back to my bed side and said. "Not this time. I need a little alone time. Then I'll come back when you're older. Okay?"

I huffed, but nodded. And he went back in to his TARDIS.

And that brings us to today. I had just turned twenty. And I sat and waited for him to come back. Something I did after every birthday since.

Not long though the TARDIS showed up. I stood and waited for the Doctor to walk out.

But it wasn't him. This man had floppy hair, a bowtie, and a tweed jacket.

"Jasmine." He asid to me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"I'm sorry but he's not coming." This man said to me.

And My Heart Broke.


Well, that was sad...

Hey guys! I thought I would try something a bit different today.

This is a one shot I will be entering in a contest.

I might do a sequel to this a little later. I don't know. But for now this is it. :)

In other news, I'm doing a report on the history of Gallifrey! It's for a friend that all they know is, that's where the doctor came from and it's in a time lock! I'm really excited for it! :)

I hope you enjoyed this poorly written oneshot (but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't). abut if by some miracle you did, please be sure to comment and vote! And if you want to know what I'm doing at any given moment, just follow me! I'd love to see you in the streets of Cloud Nine! Also follow me on Instagram @GabbiKumo! But that's all for to day! Thanks guys and good-bye! (^-^)/

~Gabbi ♡

And My Heart Broke. ( A Doctor Who oneshot.)Where stories live. Discover now