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Chapter 1 episode 1

I wake up with a loud frequency in my ears getting quieter now and again I hold my ears but that only makes it worse I look around to see where I am but it's just an empty room with a pair of familiar pair of headphones and a loaded gun in the corner I crawl over still feeling two weak to walk and pick up the gun it's fully loaded I sat there for a couple minutes trying to regain consciousness to figure out where I  was but I was getting no where and that frequency was still so painful and loud it was driving me crazy but then it was replaced by the sound of a something creaking and then I notice a door in the corner of my eye I stand carefully and slowly walk towards the door the closer I got the more I could smell a disgusting stench I finally got to the door I mentally prepared myself for what I was about to see and opened the door slowly
"HOLY SHIT!" Tears ran down my face making my vision even more blurred i collapsed to the floor
Wanna know what I saw?
I saw my best freind ... dead there on the floor with his neck sliced open
He was my best freind since child hood and seeing him there made my heart absolutely ache , his name was Luke... he was my hero
I walked a bit closer and checked his pulse he was gone forever my eyes drained colour and i could barley Breath over the crying I sat there for what it felt like hours trying to bring him back but in the end I had lost all hope...
I heard a bang coming from the room I was originally in I gathered all my courage and got up and looked outside the door
I saw the shadow of what it looked like to be a fully grown man
"Excuse me?" I say with a scratchy voice
He slowly turned around
He had a black mask
"I see you found your little freind , yeah I'm sorry about him"
"You did this?! Why! YOU BASTARD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs
"Listen listen! I have your mother as well" the man said
"Yes mommy! If you want her back your gonna have to ... kill a few people for me"
"W-what?! You want me to do your fucking dirty work for you?!"
"You will get used to it , you see that gun in your hand? It's one of the most powerful in the word I want you to use it to kill!"
I pointed the gun at his head
"Then you will never find your mother and she will starve to death"
I sigh and raise the gun down
"Fine... so who do you want me to kill"
"First of all a girl named Dokato meoi a uni student in heruto maiheme university of music here's her picture"
He handed me a picture of a beatifull young women with long purple hair
"I-I can't kill her ! What did she do?!"
"Who knows?! That's the fun you never know what kind of messed up shut they could have done!"
"Your a sick bastard..."
"The clock is ticking sweetie"
"Fine I'll do it..."
"Good... good.... I'll give you the keys"
He disappeared
"What the fuck!" I thought
Then a key dropped from the ceiling
... I picked it up and put it in my jacket pocket I walked over to the headphones and put them on
"So comfy..." I thought
I walked to the door and opened it it was the middle of the night and I was leaving threw an alley way

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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