A New Start

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This type of future odd and obscure and there was nothing I loved more, moving into the house would be frustrating with two siblings but I couldn't wait to start unpacking. This was a different age, the future finally came along with its millions of upgraded technology and advancements; Which is why we had to move the whole majority of the world was being upgraded and now we have a new home. I started giggling when I thought back to when they first brought it out and scientists got so dumbfounded on how the hell it happened all these new impossible things being created; oh those expressions were priceless... But back to what I was doing I took out my first box out of the car and raced up the stairs hoping to get there before the room debate. I was wrong the others said they were all the same but one was bigger for the masters but saying duh will just start a fight so out of curiosity I decide to ask a question about them because maybe I could still get one I wanted; Well a girl can dream...

"Where do those stairs go?" I ask mum.

"To a room downstairs." Oh how direct I think sarcastically.

"A bedroom or something?"

"Because of the way the buildings built it leads to one bedroom that’s it though which isn't the best way to build a building I think but hey it's paid for by the company so that's that."


"Sweet." Bella and Luke exchange evil looks as they say that synchronized.

"Should I even ask?"

"They both wanted the two top rooms but thought you'd want one so were debating who got it I suppose that's that though."

"Oh and we promise we weren't scheming..." Bella trailed off with a smirk she was the oldest at 19, Luke the youngest at 13 and me in the middle 16 well tomorrow anyway, I smiled to myself with the thought.

I took my first box down my room peeking in at the other bedrooms on the way but turns out I got the giant bedroom they hadn't bothered to check well I'd hoped anyway oh I just love how luck works these days. I dumped my box on the floor hoping there was no smash and hear a soft thud. Well at least I know that wasn't the box with my electronics.

"That's so not fair!"

I turn to see my sibling’s reaction to the room size as they pause their walk of boxes at my door. "What it's not like I knew."

"Maybe we could swap?" Luke attempts to look hopeful but glum but he forgets he hadn't stopped smiling. I giggle to myself; I love how they always return to bribery.

"I'm not changing rooms no matter what." With that they walk away in a huff, then quickly resume with attempting to barricade me in my new room.

It was kind of weird how the windows open to another person’s on the opposing building because I mean I don't wanna psycho dude or old person or something. I decide to avoid that for now better safe than stupid right? So I finish unpacking my stuff but I swear I'm starting to fall in love with this room the giant wardrobe, the flat screen on the wall amazing desk with laptop and built in cd. and dvd racks which saves me begging my parents for a new one the one I used which barely held the cds broke when I tried to pack it so that was that I guess. It was weird living in this future having to move from my little town to a temporary house then to move back two months later to this amazing new place it was unbelievable. I also loved how the school was at the end of the street and how if I cross the road it the ocean all the way along, the warm sand and the little food stands along make this place so desirable. The only thing was it felt like we were being made into some weird community like on one of those shoes or movies but unless they do a whole worship-our-god thing then I'd stay here for all my life. Lying down on my bed I quickly fall alseep...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2012 ⏰

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