Chapter 1

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"Y/N your getting the popcorn right?" Your friend Georgie asked from the living room .

"Yeah, hang on" you shouted back.

You grabbed the bowls of popcorn, sweet and salted, and some bags of different chocolate snacks. With no one to help, you balanced it all in your arms and between your teeth, proceeding to stagger back on to the living room where your three friends were sat in the sofa chilling.

You placed everything down on the table before looking up at the others all looking at you expectedly. "Drinks?" You asked.

They all answered. Coke for Will, Fanta for Jack, water for Georgie and tea for yourself. Just before walking out to the kitchen again you ordered the others to fetch some blankets you could all cuddle up to and eventually fall asleep.

As the kettle was boiling you got the other drinks, hearing footsteps up and down the stairs. Probably your friends getting blankets. Walking back, once again, into the living room balancing your friends drinks in your hands, you waited for the water to boil. You saw that they were gone but the blankets were there. Shrugging you just went back into the kitchen, finally preparing your tea and then going back to the living room feeling like you just walked a marathon. You sat and waited for the others which by the sound of the toilet flushing, they were going to the loo before you started your Attack On Titan marathon.

You were fantasising about Levi, from AOT, with a warm smile on your face, when loud footsteps snapped you out of it causing you to look up and put down your tea cup. All three of your friends then barrelled into the room and onto the sofa, causing a pile up with, unfortunately, you on the bottom.

"Ok someone find the remote we need to start this amazing shit" you said laughing.

They laughed while all searching for the remote, before and unidentified arm held the remote out to you, thanking them in general you started to get to Netflix. Then finding AOT and readying to press play, seeing your friends settle into their places on the sofa.

"Ready?" You asked.

They bounced in the spot excitedly nodding there head, you laughed at there excitement before turning and pressing play on the remote settling back down into the couch singing along with the intro as best you could.

*Time skip*

You cringed as you watched the female titan decimate Levi's squad. It was now late at night and in that time your parents had come home from work and gone to bed so the volume was on low, you noticed that Will was fast asleep and leaning on Jack, much to his discomfort.

The screen had got to the part where Levi and Mikasa save Eren, when the TV sparked a bit from the back. You shot forward, looking at where the sparks landed only for Georgie to grab your shoulder pulling you back so she could see. Shrugging you figured it was just a trick of the light and ignored what you though you saw.

The TV then sparked again however, this time it shook constantly like there was an earth quake, a blue light flooded the room like a scan and when it passes over your body, you felt a chilling cold which made you shiver. You rushed forward to the TV, frantically ripping the wires out the back of it to switch it off and stop it from doing what ever it was doing. This worked and the TV did shut off.

"What the shit?" You said out loud.

You turned round to your friends they all looked... scared? You couldn't quite tell in the darkness. You weren't scared, just confused. You shook your head and then speaking to the other to calm them "Don't worry guys the earthquake probably just overheated the TV causing it to do some weird shit. Let's just go to bed"

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