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One night when Īsan family was asleep, Īsan eyes was closed but he was fully awake. His window brush open with a huge gust of wind while a dark mist follows into his room. Before he can jump up a soft sweet voice says "i wanna play with you Īsan “giggling away  .He shudders as he try to speak "...SH-sh-sure.....". After his worlds a beautiful girl appears naked in his room the dark mist. He turns red blushing uncontrollably his mouth drops open as his eyes widen his heart beating so loud and hard is almost jumps out of his chest. the girl crawls over to him on his bed looking with I’m with her big glowing sweet eyes "...dont you wanna paly with me?" with me she say as she work her hands to his stomach. "..auhh...... mhh-mm-maybe" he blushes deep red as he covers his lap with his pillow. She jump up on his lap looking into his eyes as tears fill her eyes "why maybe ?" she pressed against him hugging his head in her Brest " you don’t like me ? ".  He takes a deep breathe “I’m not going to answer that". She backs up looking at him while her tears fall drop down her Brest " i want you .....what’s wrong with me ?"    Īsan freezes looking blank before taking a deep breath and exclaiming with a strange red face “ my inside voice is saying yes …but my outside voice is saying I shouldn’t !”  she jumps back wiping tears from her eyes as she holds herself barely breathing her voice deepens as she trys to speak " yu-you dont even what ME WHEN IM RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU!!!!!  Īsan jumps out of bed trying to reach her while he defines his self " no no no... i mean i do want you i just dont think its a go idea" she looks up at him as he wipes her tears .he look at her body and covers his lap again when he see the bugle in his pants. she giggles as she stairs enjoying his bugle.  he laughs lightly as she runs her finger threw his red hair " after all we just met make be in a year or when im 18. she stops as the mist rows back in covering the room " ........just met-Just met- JUST MET" she throw’s him across the room as her tears turn black while the mist consume her body "you dont even know my name...." the mist turn into a deep dark fog as she disappears in it. the fog clears the room going out the window with her sobbing echoing in the room. Īsan runs to his widow calling out “ hey come back !!! im sorry !! he yellls out louder and louder hanging out his widow leaning farer out while lights turn on threw out the neighborhood as his voice wake everyone up. his little runs to his room and kick the door wide open yelling adding as much base as he could. Īsan heart jump as he jump heading out his window head first. his pants snag on his windowsill holding his while he slips out of this pants calling for his brother " AIDEN GET ME THE FUCK UP"!!!!! he try to pull his self up searching to reach his feet ; exhausting his self he calls out " CALL 911 NOW"! his pants rip as just as his dad grab his arm pulling it out of tis stoic while he pulls him up. Īsan screams in pain as tear roll down his face. His dad pull him threw the window by his chest dropping Īsan on the floor face first. Īsan clam up his bookcase to stand leaning on it as he try to fight his tears forgetting about the mist girl for a moment. His mother runs it and hugs him tightly squeezes his body , pressing his face into her.  "what happened to you?" she exclaimed " first all the loud nosie and yelling!! now suicide ? Īsan grabbed her by he shoulders and shake her "mom wait listen !! i was looking for someone, aiden scared me made me fall out the window and dad broke my arm"!! he take a breath with her mom while his dad call the police. Aiden looks around as he picks up Īsans pants from the seal . he yells out "liar !! no ones here!!"  Īsan walk up to Aiden and speak sternly " yes there was she was-was.....auhhhh" he stop tp think of her name while her image sits in his mind. he think harder as his cock start to grow rapidly while he let out a sexual moan. his little brothers mouth drop open he pokes at his junk yelling "ĪSAN HAD SEX WITH A GIRL!!! he repeat in disbelief "A GIRL !!" Īsan looks down at his cock and yells as he covers his erection with a pillow hiding his face from his parents. he yells with his face bright red "NO I DIDNT"!!!! adien falls to the floor laughing " i knew you we're gay "!! Īsan thorws a blanket over his junk as launch his pillow at his brother. his parents standing behind him clearing their throat looking around. his father pats his back as he speak nervily "ill give you the talk.....auh tomorrow lets go to bed".  Īsan jumps back and look at his father while he hinds his hole body hiding under his blankets "just go......just leave me please"!! adein lays on the floor laughing hard with his eyes shut. his father pulls him out of the room and shut the door while his mother keeps her head down refusing to look at Īsan. Īsan calls out fatally "mom wait i didnt-"!  his mother shakes her hand back waving him off. Īsan flop on his bed and closes his eyes trying to remember her name..

to be contues.....

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