Chapter 1

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        My love for animals started out when I was little when my mother would take me to my local zoo. The animals would me happy and they still do to this day. I used to be scared of some many animals, but even though I wasn't a big fan of the scary ones (insects and reptiles) I still respected them. I started to lose my fear of animals when I watched Robert Irwin on the Tonight Show. Once I saw his segment I started to watch his family's show. When I'm educated on the animals they became less scary. From watching the show I learned that I was never afraid of the the animals themselves, but of what I didn't know about them.

        These last few years I have been saving up my money to go to the Australia Zoo and today was the day that I have been anticipating for months. I finished packing my bags last night and before I walked out the door I doubled check to make sure that I have everything. I'm always terrified that I'll leave something behind that I'll need so I made sure to bring extra cash in case I forget something. As I get into the car I realize that my dream is actually happening.

      Since I am only sixteen I have to bring my mother along on the trip, but I didn't mind it sense my mother and I have a close relationship. I can't lie the one thing I'm looking forward on this trip is to see my mother freak out over snakes because she's terrified of them.

        My mother and I arrive at the airport a couple of hours before our flight takes off so we have enough time to check in and go through security. After all the boring airport stuff we went to our seats on the plane. Since it was my money that we are spending I had to book our tickets and my dumb self somehow mange to not have my seat be by my mother which meant I had to sit next to some old man for the next couple of hours.

        Once the plane landed I met up with my mother and we went to our next flight. Since I live in the states I couldn't take a direct flight so I had a lay over. Lucky for this flight I am seating next to my mother. Our flight was now taking off so I decided to sleep since it won't be til morning when we land.

        After a long seventeen hour flight of me eating and sleeping I made it to Australia. It was seven in the morning so as soon as we got our bags we got a taxi to take us to the house that we were renting for the week. I changed my outfit and got ready to go to the zoo while my mother texted our family to let them know that we made it. While my mother was taking her own sweet time getting ready I went over the schedule that I made for the week. I didn't know if or when I would be able to come back to the zoo so I signed up for almost every animal encounter that they had. Since today was the first day all I wanted to do beside walking around was to go to the croc show and go on the hospital wildlife tour.

       When my mother was done she went outside and started to call me saying "what's taking you so long". As I gave her the what-the-heck-I-was-waiting-for-you look we waited for our uber to come. Before the uber came my mother gave me a talk about being careful because we are getting into a stranger's car. When the uber came I was so excited to get into the car that I banged my head while getting in. Normally I would have been embarrassed, but I just couldn't be on this day.

        When we arrived at the zoo I felt like doing a happy dance. Walking in brought me back to reality as I saw some snakes and birds that some zoo keepers were holding for people to pet them. I was in awe when I saw the most precious koala in the entire world. My eyes were so focus on the koala that I ran straight into someone. Everyone was looking at what happened so I kept my head down and continue walking. I didn't mean to be rude to that person I just get nervous when I have many people's attention and couldn't speak.

      Later in the day I was going to go tour the wildlife hospital. When we got to the building my mother left me all alone so she could go to the bathroom. Everyone else waiting for the tour to start was with their family and friends so I pulled out my phone pretending to be busy doing something when I heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see Robert Irwin walking into the hospital with some of the staff. I was staring at Robert for to long that we made eye contact. I looked down at my phone real fast when I saw my mother coming back just as Robert was starting to go over the rules of the tour. I was regretting booking this tour because Robert was going to be the one giving it. The problem wasn't that I hated Robert, but that I have a huge crush on him. Whenever I have a crush on someone I end up avoiding them because I get nervous so this tour will be interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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