Don't Let Me Down

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Once, there was many stars
Glowing in the night
Ended the passion of love
Tore my heart inside
Fulfilled my eyes with the darkness

And my tears falling over the night...
But, the God give me mercy
Suddenly, he sent me an angel
To hug me, to accompany me
Going through the sky

The great, humble and wonderful angel
The handsomest one I'vr ever seen
His heart as pure as white rose
He hug me and let my teardrops flowing in her arm
He gave me a bunch of happiness
Give me everything even this world

He changed the stone to diamond
He gave me a flowers crown
Then, I knew, I thought...
I was even better than a Cinderella story
My life seems so great, I'm perfectly amazing girl now...

But, one day...
When I came to the gorgeous garden
I didn't realize if my angel keep after me
Till the sun burnt his wings,

He screamed aloud
Calling my name
I run to him and hug his burning body
He said, he loves me... but he told me that I should awake...
Aware that all of this shit is just a dream...

Then, his body turned to dust
and my day became freeze and dark again
God, please don't let me down
Bacause , I'm not strong enough to face the world alone..
Without someone who I loved

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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