Chapter 32

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I was probably the only person besides the priest who wasn't crying. Like him I had nobody to grieve. I'd invited her, out of politeness, to Charlie's christening and to my wedding. She never turned up but it didn't bother me. My Grandad did, tickled Charlie under the chin until he giggled and told me I looked nice. If he died I probably would grieve. Not that I was glad my granny was dead. She'd died because of those terrorists. That was another life they'd taken. And I was counting.

I felt shudder in my pocket- oh- my dad had slipped me a mobile phone when he put me on the train. He said it was to keep me safe. I lifted it out. Finn. What was he calling for? Dread washed over me. I'd have to answer it. But if I went out now everyone would notice, and me and my mom weren't meant to be in here. I showed it to her and she nodded to the door.

"If they start Lily I'll deal with them." My aunt Ealie growled. I think that's the loudest I've ever heard her speak. Ever.

I picked up my crutches and carried them outside with me so I didn't draw any attention. I had a phone to answer, I didn't have time to mess about. Just as I got out the door I fell. On my chest. I yelped the pain sharply rocketing from my stomach to my throat. I gasped a few times to catch my breath, my knees into my chest. Good God. I ground the crutch on the floor and heaved myself up. My legs crumbled and I whacked my head on the bark-covered walls. I slid the crutches away from me out if pure frustration and held my head. Something trickled down my fingers. I was bleeding, great. I pressed my palm against the cut and FINALLY answered the phone.


"Hi- are you okay? You sound a little off?"

"I've just fell over on those stupid crutches-" I sighed and the pain churned around "Ow...anyway, what's up?"

"I got a phone call earlier- Francine going insane because they discharged you too early?"

"I think I just figured that out."

He may of been miles away but it was like I could hear the frown "You're wheezing a bit?"

"Finn I'm okay honest- it's cuz I fell forwards straight onto that rib brace thing- and-" I took a breath "That's tight enough already?"

"Yeah..." He didn't sound convinced

I sighed "It doesn't matter?"

"Lily, for God's sake, it's your lungs- the things you breathe with- that keep you alive- of course it matters!"

"Well, what do you-" I took a breath again "Want me to do?"

"Take your inhaler for a start- I knew you hadn't packed it- that's why I put it in the front pocket because I also knew your mom would want to be sure you had it."

I ran my hand down my face "If that's for a start then what's the other bit?"

"I dunno, try using a wheelchair?"

"I'll wreck my lungs trying to work that?"

"Yeah..." He trailed off

"Finn listen," I took the inhaler, holding the phone with my other hand "Happy?"


"Why?" I growled

"Because, they'll be more bombings- for all we know this could be the last time we ever hear each other again." He whispered

"Why are you whispering?" I said slowly

"Charlie's at the other end of the living room, he's waiting to speak to you."


"Maybe instead of a puppy we should've considered getting one if those dogs."

I smiled "Finn, they're for blind people?"

The family ties of Lily Juniper Abernathy (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now