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i couldn't sleep.

i don't know why.

i guess it's because karamatsu isn't there.

wait, where is karamatsu?

"karamatsu, where are you?" i called out while getting out of the shared futon.

i heard a soft strum of guitar stringing followed by a soft singing voice.

it was beautiful. calming, soothing.

yet, why does it feel so broken?

i listened closely. the lyrics i heard were truly shocking.

"am i also uneeded too..?" the voice sang. it was sad, yet calming.

listening closely, i went up to the rooftop, since that's where the singing was, and saw who was singing.


"k-karamatsu-niisan..? what are you doing up so late?" i questioned, remembering what the clock showed.

karamatsu flinched in alarm. he wasn't expecting one of his brothers to be awake at the time, but surprise, surprise.

"i-i couldn't sleep... sorry, choromatsu." karamatsu turned to the younger.

"you should probably sleep. it's 1:23am.. and tomorrow's our birthday too so.. w-we should get rest." choromatsu stuttered.

karamatsu only stayed silent. he forgot it was going to be their birthday tomorrow. tears rolled down his soft rosy cheeks, although they went unnoticed by the sleepy choromatsu.

karamatsu was stupid enough to forget their birthday. his own fucking birthday.

choromatsu rubbed his eyes and focused on the shiny droplets of tears rolling down karamatsu's rosy cheeks.

"karamatsu-niisan? why're you crying..?" choromatsu asked in a sleepy voice. "i-it's nothing, m-my sweet ch-choromatsu..." karamatsu managed to choke out.

strange. karamatsu stuttered. that's new.

"ch-choromatsu, make sure to t-take my place, a-alright?"

"k-karamatsu-niisan..? what do you mean?" choromatsu asked in the same tired voice, but with a hint of worry this time.

"it's nothing, my dear choromatsu," karamatsu stood up and set his guitar at the side. "you should get some rest," he whispered.

"that's the problem; i can't sleep. no matter how hard i try, i just can't," choromatsu responded sleepily.

"can you sing me a lullaby, karamatsu-niisan? please?" choromatsu pleaded. karamatsu took this as an opportunity to be closer to his choromatsu.

"heh, alright, burraza," he simply responded.


karamatsu had already tucked choromatsu in, ready to sing a lullaby with his trusty guitar. "i'm not very good, is that okay choromatsu?" karamatsu asked. choromatsu responded with a small nod.

"here i go.."

"oh, miss believer"
"my pretty sleeper"
"your twisted mind is like snow on the road"

choromatsu never heard of this song. whatever the song was karamatsu was pulling it off perfectly.

"your shaking shoulders"
"prove that it's colder"
"inside your head"
"than the winter of dead"

choromatsu was getting sleepier by the minute. karamatsu's singing was truly beautiful.

"i will tell you i love you"
"but the muffs on your ears"
"will cater your fears"

a little bit more and choromatsu would be asleep.

"my nose and feet are running as we start"
"travel through snow"
"together we go"


choromatsu was asleep.

karamatsu was happy that his singing could put someone to sleep, yet he felt a little bit sad that choromatsu fell asleep so soon.

smiling, karamatsu kissed choromatsu on the forehead and went up the rooftop to put his guitar.

'wonder if i'll have time to get them all a present,' the remaining brother thought.

karamatsu slipped inside his side of the futon and tried sleeping.

a few minutes later he finally got some rest in a long time.

a peaceful, undisturbed rest.

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