D-Day + 70 Years

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June 6, 2014: Normandy, France

I am an American.

I am a Soldier.

I walk on green grass among rows and countless rows of crosses

        white and stone.

Most have a name,

All have a soul.

One catches my eye,

It is the same as the others

        but different

"An American Soldier, Known Only To God"

My brother.

I drop to one knee

To pray

And cry.

My tears fall to the earth as did his blood,

As did all of their blood.

I have stood on the joy-filled streets of French towns like Ranville and Sainte Mere-Eglise,

I have walked the now serene shores of Utah and Omaha Beaches,

I have basked in the sun of the French countryside,

I have seen the graves of British, Canadian, American, French,

        and German.

And I cry.

My tears are of sorrow,

        of loss,

        of violence,

        of War.

My tears are of joy,

        of celebration,

        of liberty,

        of Peace.

My hand reaches out to touch the cross.

I am compelled,

But I pause,

I cannot,

But I must.


        I must,


        I must,

It will be too much,

        I must,




The cross is warm.

Its warmth is the energy of thousands of souls whose country no longer matters,

And I have created a bridge, a connection,

        To my own.

I take some measure of their pain,

It flows into my body.

I give as much love in exchange

        that I have received from the people of France.

They have not forgotten.

I will not forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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