How Jane Met Blue Girl

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Inside a big blue house on blueberry lane, there sat on a couch a dull young girl called Jane. She was only 9 years old, but rather tall for her age and her hair was a rich jet black, contrasting her skin as pale as the walls that surrounded her. Her forest green eyes, too big for her face, were glazed with longing and dull with sadness.

All she wanted was to play outside. After all, it was usually always a bright and sunny day on blueberry lane. "Mother, I want to go outside," she would often beg. But she was always dismissed with a firm, "No," and a light pat on the head. 

It was always puzzling to Jane, why she could not play in her own yard, but there was no point negotiating with mother. So, later that day while mother was taking a nap, Jane contemplated whether or not she should sneak out of the house. It was the only time she could do so, beacuse if mother doesn't know, then she would not be scolded or punished.

So, Jane tip toed to the back door in the kitchen, making sure to be extra, extra quiet. And she made it all the way to the big wooden door, reaching her scrawny little fingers out. She could already feel the freedom surging through her fingers when she grabbed onto the cold, metal doorknob.

Then, suddenly, a dreadful voice yelled, "Jane!"

Jane spun around with lightning speed and horror in her eyes. Her heart was in her throat. Mother towered over her like a beast with rage in her eyes.

"Didn't I tell you not to leave this house!?" she yelled.

Jane was frozen, gaping like a fish from utter shock. And mother continued to scold, one hand on her hip and one pointed toward Jane, "There will be no fun and games at any time in this place. No ring around a rosy or catch and chase. No tag, no cat and mouse, no come with us or run away. Let this be the first and last this happens. Did you hear what I just said? " 

Jane gave a nod, gulped in fear and prepared herself to meet her fate. That evening, mother locked Jane away in her tower of doom, leaving her to sulk. 

Slowly and painfully, she climbed into her bed and laid her head on her plain white pillow. She looked through the window, through which the moonlight shone and wondered why everything in her life had to be so bland.

She was tired of the neutral hues on every furniture and wall, and the one and only sound that came from the grandfather clock down in the hall. And her tower was secluded and void of any color and life. Just like the stitched up Sally doll she was gifted by her late grandfather's wife. 

She tossed and turned in her bed, grumbling to herself. She just wanted to be out of her misery and somewhere more fun. So after cooling down, she closed her eyes, hoping that sleep would come. However, she was unable to fall asleep as a light tapping on her window kept disrupting her while she counted sheep.

Jane sat up in bed now curious as to what could be making that noise. So, she walked over to the window to see what was going on. As soon as she neared the window a pebble bounced off the glass. Jane was confused, but when she looked out through the glass, she saw something she never expected to see. Or rather... someone. 

Out in her backyard, standing in the grass was a girl about Jane's height. But she wasn't just any normal girl. She was a blue girl. Her skin was blue and so were her clothes and her hair was blue as well. She featured different shades of blue, but she was all blue nonetheless. Jane was confused as to why there was a blue human being standing in her yard throwing pebbles at her window, but when the blue girl waved with a smile, Jane waved back anyway. 

'Who is she and where did she come from?' Jane wondered.

She signaled for Jane to open the window and Jane did as she was told without a second thought. The blue girl then signaled for Jane to come outside with a friendly smile on her face and Jane plastered an equally excited smile on hers as well, but it quickly vanished when Jane looked back at the door and remembered she could not leave the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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