Chapter 1

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This is my first fic
Any suggestions would be very helpful
Introduction to shadow world
Alec’s P.O.V
“You seriously need to lighten up a bit Alec’’ it was 12 am at night and Isabelle looked at me with concern, she always did. She was the only one who actually cared for me. Or I felt so. Jace, my parabatai, was the one getting all the attention and care and love and I was never jealous because I loved Jace too, not that I wanted to admit it to anyone else other than Izzy.
“I’m fine Izzy, when is the next mission?” I asked cleaning the seraph blade. I was in my usual black shadowhunters outfit, at the institute of New York. When Izzy didn’t reply, I glanced at her, at my beautiful sister who could charm almost everyone and yet is as deadly as a viper. I am always inspired by the way she actually “lived”.
Isabelle was the only one like Jace; a rule-breaker, a proud rule-breaker. As she always says “It’s more fun to break the rules than to follow them” and it has always scared me, what a rebel she was. Yet I loved her more than my life and if rule-breaking would get her into trouble I would be by her side as always.
I realized that she was staring back at me with those blazing eyes that said “Are you serious?” but she looked away hopelessly. She sighed and flipped her long, straight, beautiful black hair behind her back.
“It’s day after tomorrow Alec. We heard there is a demon who will be visiting Pandemonium tomorrow though. We are not allowed to go after him yet because we aren’t sure if he will really be a “demon”” She said the last word as an air quote. “Be ready big brother, Jace wanted that to be done by us so we will leave at night.” She said and started off to her room when I confessed. “I just don’t know if I’ll ever get over him.” She stopped dead in her steps and turned with sympathy all over her face. And I hated that look “Alec, You will be fine. I know it. Goodnight.” She said in the same reassuring way as always.
She went to her room closing the door behind her. I never knew why such small things made me feel better when they came from Izzy but it seemed like she knew that as well. I sighed heavily and just as I was about to put down that seraph blade down and go to my room Jace entered the common room. “You are still up Alec?” asked Jace and without waiting for my reply he stretched and yawned and went straight to his room.
“Yeah I am, and I usually am Jace but thanks for noticing finally,” I said under my breath almost frustrated at the thought. And after about ten minutes I found myself on my own bed thinking about how everyday we risk our lives just to keep a world safe who doesn’t even know we exist.
A single mistake could take my life, my parabatai’s life. Losing my parabatai meant losing a part of me too. For a second I awed at how strong that bond was. And then thought about Max, my youngest brother, and Izzy. And losing them, I didn’t even want to think about it. Max was currently in Idris with our parents. I am the eldest, the one with responsibilities and as Izzy say “heavy is the head that wears the crown.”
I thought about the demons that threaten all our lives every day and the rogue down worlders that included Vampires, Werewolves, Warlocks and The Fair Folks. All of them equally dangerous when rogue. But we were shadowhunters, the protectors of those down worlders who followed the accords or rules and mundanes who were completely busy in their mundane lives, unaware of blessing in disguise, literally.
I was thinking about my dangerous life when night and dreams consumed me completely and I drifted off to sleep.

Magnus’ P.O.V
It has been eighteen years now and I was still feeling the same emptiness. Something was certainly missing and I couldn’t figure it out and it was actually annoying me now. Eighteen years ago something clicked inside me and I knew I had something to find although I couldn’t figure it out that why was it so important but it somehow felt the main purpose of my long life. I decided to wait for the right moment and maybe I’ll know when the right time will come. But somehow I knew that click was meant to connect me with something.
At first I thought that click marked a century of my break up with Camille but he countered that it should’ve happened twice with Annabelle because it was 220 years since we broke up too. I hoped it has nothing to do with Camille
I was just thinking about it and I picked up chairman meow, my cat, absent minded and started scratching under his soft year. I sat with chairman on my lap on the couch in the hall. It was then that I felt my heart stopped for a moment and I was away from my body. For a second I thought I died and then I was watching someone sleep. It was a boy in his teenage. I came closer not sure how I was doing it but I looked at him sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of me looking at him, mesmerised.
He was somehow the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my long life. Some things are just so beautiful that they take u to a different world and it was like I came to a different world just to look at someone like him. There were no words that would justify how perfect he looked. I came even more close hoping to touch him once and as I felt I took one more step towards him I crossed a line of a sort and I was back in my body, on my couch, in my loft. Chairman meow asleep in my lap and I was shaken to the core.
Somehow I knew he is a part of a shadow world and if I was lucky he would be a downworlder too so I thought about getting all the downworlders to my loft for a party. Then I just realised that day after tomorrow was Chairman’s birthday. “I knew you would be very useful to me someday my cupcake.” I looked at chairman with all the affection and scratched his head and put him down. I snapped my fingers to make him more comfortable there by summoning his little bed. I just hope and pray that I would get to meet the boy I saw in some way even I don’t know about. I just knew he was very special to me. And that he meant something significant to me and for a heartbeat I thought maybe that was what was missing in me, Him.

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