Hear Me Out

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I wanted to write this in response to a tweet I saw today in which one of the Fandom stated that Colby deserves to be happy and have a girlfriend. 

The object of everyone's desire, the brooding King of our Hearts, our 'Daddy' our Baby Boy, the love of our lives. Colby Brock. Does not need a girlfriend. What? Swim tell me what crazy writing you're on now. Maybe your insomnia has made you snap. Maybe tuning in to Elton's live stream for 3 days straight with only one 45 minute nap has fried your damn brain. I say to you my sisters (and brothers for that matter) your boy Colby Brock does not need a girlfriend. Now before you get all twisted and come for your girl, let me tell you what I know. (I know there's a tag theme in my editorials OK? Very aware! I've lived a life full of knowledge thanks!) 

Resident bad boy Cole Robert does not need a girlfriend because he's already complete. What in the hell are you talking about Swim? He has no girlfriends! (That we are made aware of.) He deserves to be happy! He deserves to find a girl that puts a perpetual goofy grin we cant get enough of on that fine specimen of a face! (Shout out to all the parents in Kansas. Yall make some pretty babies out there!) He deserves a happy life with a wife and kids! You ARE one cold hearted bitch and we wont stand for it. Listen yall, Colby is complete. How so? Sam. Our Sammy is his best friend. The one he has done everything with since freshman year. Probably the only person in the world that knows the true Cole top to bottom inside and out. Every good, every bad, every secret, every truth. The one we have witnessed on more occasions that we can count, share deep and meaningful gazes between them or stares intently at his BFF while he speaks. Before you trot off to pound out another wattpad smut series on the two of them together (and please do, because I will still continue to read them) the explanation is Sam is Colby's soulmate. He's complete because he already has 'the one' that is his perfect same and opposite. The yang to his yin, the apple of his eye, the peanut butter to his jelly. Those gazes between the boys? That attentive listening? That's love, that's admiration and that's respect. Sam is his benchmark, and no girl will ever measure up to Sam. But they're just friends you say! Of course. You can find your soulmate as a friend and it never has to go any further than that. Maybe you have a friend like that. Complete eachother's sentences, knows what you need, feel, want before even you do. And you have never had sexual feelings for them, and maybe never will, but you have the most intense love for them.

The problem is Colby doesn't know he's complete. He has no idea. Enter all those soulful, dark evening texts we've seen. Longing for true love. He'll never find a girl. Every girl that enters into his life is unwittingly compared to Sam in his mind. And I'm here to tell you, not one of those young ladies will ever measure up completely. He's going to have to come to the realization that Sam is his true soulmate and that firstly, that's extraordinary and secondly, it's just fine for that to be. It really is ok. That intense longing we've come to know and love, will fade and it's only then that he can set out to find the girl that is able to ease his mind and fill up the rest of his beautiful heart. But she's going to have to be a strong woman to live in Sam's proverbial shadow. They'll be a lot of trial and error in their relationship. And they'll be a lot of ladies parading around until she shows her face. But Colby doesn't need a girlfriend. He wants a girlfriend. The difference between the love of your life and your soul mate is one is a choice and one is not. Your boy is going to find love. He's going to be fully happy one day and get everything wonderful he deserves. Right there alongside his soulmate Sam. Life will be good. Hang on Baby Boy. She's coming. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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