Chapter One: The Murder

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Sadie was in her room, sitting criss-cross on her bed. A knife sat in front of her, along with a piece of paper that had a sketch of what she was about to do. She had a pair of gloves next to the knife, she wore a full white outfit. It was a rainy night, pouring and thundering outside. She looked out the window, "so peaceful" she whispered to herself. The clock read 11:59 pm, almost time for her to get rid of her problem. She only lived with her dad, he was abusive. Not much she could do about it, until now. She had become insane, very insane.

The clock struck midnight, it was time for her task. She got up carefully from her bed, grabbed the knife and walked to her door. She opened it slowly, it creaked open quietly. She walked down the hall to her fathers room, the door was cracked open a few inches. She peeked inside, her father was asleep soundly on his bed. She creeped inside his bedroom, knife in hand. She stood over him for a minute. He was sleeping so peacefully, so quietly. She wanted to make this look like a suicide.

She looked at him one more time, with a smirk on her face. She took the knife and quickly slit both of his wrists. He was still sound asleep, due to her perfect plan using untraceable sleep medication to keep him asleep. She laid the knife down in his left hand and then, admiring her work, stood back to watch as he bled out.

As she left the room, she was sure to leave no traces of her presence. She then crept back down the hallway towards her bedroom, continuing her unhurried stroll until reaching the door. She walked inside, closed the door, changed into pajamas and crawled into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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