Learning to Survive-Chapter One

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The war had been over for some time in his world. He had been put on trial for his crimes during the four million year war. Then had been carted off on the Lost Light as part of his punishment where he served alongside Rodimus and Ultra Magnus. It had been hell, but then... he found himself. The part of him that had been lost so long ago. But now he was old, but he had accepted his sins and only wished to better himself. Then he had been lost in a reality where he had never existed and he had seen the horrors that had occurred as a result of the revolution never happening. Functionalists were in charge, and it was a horrifying reality. By a twist of fate and a betrayal he had been left in that reality for a long time before making it home to his own universe. As usual the days were eventful after that but soon the calm came and it was time to return to Cybertron to face his final punishment; a lifetime in prison on Luna 2, or death. He was fine with either.

But he never made it there.

A burst of light was all he remembered. It had engulfed him and through the shock of the affair he had gone offline. When Megatron awoke he found himself on Cybertron... just not his Cybertron. Heaving himself up he found himself staring at the war ravaged remains on the outskirts of Iacon. Torn Decepticon flags fluttered in the breeze and it was evident that someone had been trying to tear them down. There was the stale smell of plasma burns in the air and an eerie silence that signalled to him that war had stopped. But the atmosphere was tense nevertheless.

Dusting himself off he then looked around himself and idly touched the Autobot insignia upon his chest. It brought him comfort as he faced the strange predicament laid out before him, but he could not help but miss the Lost Light crew. Standing around in the open was probably not wise so he instinctively headed for the dark back streets as he pressed to delve towards the heart of Iacon. Surely he could gain some clue about this reality in order to deal with it accordingly. Assess. Plan. Progress.


The pain. The noise. Shutting it out had been a true trial for Soundwave. When he had first come online he had suffered the moment that his audio receptors began receiving. Imagine being in a busy shopping centre. Now imagine being able to hear every single conversation at once with no way of drowning it out. It was a living nightmare. It was hell until the day that the Academy for the Gifted found him and took him in. The Academy was being run by Senator Shockwave, a curious fellow to say the least. He assisted in producing a helmet to aid Soundwave by drowning out the clutter of noise, and once they succeeded the young mech found peace at last. Now if he wanted to hear something in specific he had to concentrate. From there he found himself new friends in the form of Cassetticons. Then after that he got his first taste of the Decepticon movement. A rise against the hierarchy of Primes. In specific against Zeta Prime, a pretender to the Matrix.

But before the tides of history could be set Soundwave found himself lost. The flash caught him off guard and when he came online again he had been turfed into the middle of a gathering of Cybertronians in central Iacon. Panic seized him as he scrambled to his pedes and his servos clenched tightly into fists as he faced the strangers. He could hear their whisperings; something about a light and about how he had simply fallen from the sky. Was this true? In which case where was he? What was happening? And why... and why did his leg hurt? A sharp grunt escaped him as he slumped down onto one kneepad and at last he could clearly see that he had been damaged, likely from the drop from the sky. Pink energon seeped from the crack in his thigh plating of his left leg.

This day was not going to plan at all.


The war had ravaged his home and nearly destroyed it in the process, one of the few things he remembered before being captured by the blasted Decepticons in his universe. Torture was the biggest thing he remembered, many cycles never ending until he cried for them to stop. He may have been large, but he ran low on energon quickly from many wounds. The only thing that ever ran through his processor was his young adopted sparkling, Genesis, and what would ever happen to her if these blasted mechs and femmes got ahold of her. Sadly, he got his answer on a foreign planet, seeing the darkened and changed frame, the damage he caused and what the Decepticons forced her to become. Honestly, the last thing that ran through his processor was the blade being held to the mech's mangled neck cables, before some strange and bright light had engulfed him off the foreign planet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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