Who am I?

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A question I am always asking myself. The truth is, I'm still searching for the unknown. I think we all are really. It's tough nowadays to place yourself into a group. There are so many groups of people in this world that long for answers, just like we do. It's our job to find the perfect place in the world for us.

My name's Ellie. I will be turning a staggering 23 this year, although haven't quite got the whole 'adult' thing up to scratch just yet. I pay for my phone and my car but still unsure how to work the washing machine. I go out late, stay out (mostly, actually just at my dad's) yet am still incapable of hoovering or putting a load in the dishwasher. I'm not horrible person, I just haven't been conditioned to do that just yet. I still get sent messages from my mum whilst I'm sipping on wine at a bar saying 'Hoover your room you filthy child'. The child inside of me still shits herself when her mum texts her in capitals.

So why aren't we conditioned to do so? Is it because this generation is lazy? Or is it because we know that life isn't about tidying up. I know that when I'm 80, I won't be regretting the cups I left out in my bedroom, or the food I didn't put away for a few days. I suppose travelling has shined a light for me way brighter than my parents.

For anyone who has travelled solo, you really do see the world in a new light. Life seems shorter, you almost think you have to rush. There's so much to see and so little time on this earth (and so little money). I've heard many people in Australia ask me 'why do we have to work?'  If I could answer that Bruce I would, but unfortunately we are all stuck in the same boat - and a lucky few have yachts.

I currently work in a finance company in London (I know right - yawn) but could potentially be joining the police in the next 6 months. I just want to work in an environment where all I do is help people for a living. I try my best to help the homeless but that's only three a week. There are so many needy people in London, let alone the world. And for me it is so frustrating knowing I can't help everyone.

So that's me in a nutshell. Blonde, 23, a bit weird, traveller, finance worker loving and living in London. I hope some can relate.

Thanks for reading the first chapter. I will be writing about current issues in the world of young people, so if you have any topics you wish for me to discuss, please comment here.
Ellie xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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