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The smell of you still lingers on my clothing. The smell of cigarette smoke and weed. I ask myself "why would you come here tonight? Why? It can't be for me. Were you dared? Do you like toying with my emotions as if they were a ball of string and you are the cat?" Confused by these thoughts I sneak back inside through the back door. It is now 4:00 a.m., and my father will be up in 2 hours. I walk down the hall to my room. I climb into my bed and the warm covers welcome me back. "I'll take a shower in the morning" I whisper more to myself instead of to my cat that just crawled away from me. "Maybe you are just a cat playing with my ball of emotions." I sigh. Then, I realize, I love cats.

Can't sleep well. I never could. I grab my computer and turn it on. The first thing I do is check facebook. Nothing. Then I go on tumblr. Of course I come across and reblog the saddest shit on tumblr. Bye the time I decide I was done reblogging depressing things, the sun is up and its 5:45. "Shit" I mumble to myself. I close my laptop and find my kitten in my mess of a room. I take her into bed with me and get under the covers again. The heat is overbearing. Even my kitty can feel it and squirms out of my arms. I throw off the comforter and now just have the sheet on me. I relay the events in my head of what has happened. You showed up at my house. You messaged me prior to that on facebook about it. We have been casually talking for a while as friends. You actually showed up to my house. I took a shower that night, shaved my legs, did my hair and makeup, and expected to be blown off. You actually showed up. Going through the event in my head makes me nod off for a couple minutes. I quickly snap out of it. Was it all a dream? I went through it again. You showed up at my house. You messaged me prior to that on facebook about it. We have been casually talking for a while as friends. You actually showed up to my house. I took a shower that night, shaved my legs, did my hair and makeup, and expected to be blown off. You actually showed up. You came to my house. I hugged you. You hugged back.

My father is upstairs now. He's making his breakfast. I pretend to sleep until he leaves. It's not that I don't want to talk to him it's that I should be asleep right now. He leaves for work exactly at 7:00 just like every day. I get up and go to my bathroom. I strip down, throw the clothes down the chute, and get into the shower. The water is warm on my body. It feels like little prickles of hot pins falling on top of my naked skin. I sit down in the tub. What happened last night was a first. A first of many things. The first time I snuck out to meet a boy. The first time someone like you hung out with someone like me. The first time you ever snuck out to meet me. The first time we really talked. The first time you got to know me. The first time I got to know you. The first time I didn't feel embarrassed or jittery around you. The first time you admitted to me that you actually think I'm pretty. The first time I believed you. The first time I believed you came for me. The first time I didn't doubt myself right away. And the first time I've been kissed.

The shower water turns cold which forced me to get up to change it warmer. I started to wash my hair to get the smell of cigarette out of it. Now completely clean I step out of the shower and grab the towel. My bathroom is a yellow color with ivy wallpaper border. The sink and counter are white with a cabinet next to them. The toilet's to the right of the sink. This room is terribly put together. I don't know what the previous owners were thinking when the decorated. I leave and walk across the hallway to my room. I begin to get dressed. Gray camisole top, giant Giants Sweatshirt, jean shorts. I tuck in the sweatshirt into my pants. I brush my medium length brunette hair and brush out my bangs. I quickly fix my eyeliner and go into the kitchen. My mother will be up soon, which means I have about 30 minutes to get out of the house or hide. I cannot deal with her shit storm in the morning. "Why are you up? Why are you dressed for school it is the middle of summer? Go back to bed. Make me food." She will say. I grab an apple and get my beanie. I take my car keys of the hook on the door to the attic and walk right out the garage door. The driveway has a silver BMW 3rd generation right in front of the driveway, my mother's car naturally. My father's red truck is missing. It is a kind of overcast morning so he didn't take the motorcycle. I turn around and go back inside. I quietly run to my room and unplug my flat iron from the wall, pick up my brush, and take some hair ties with me and then proceed to do what I did 2 minutes ago. When I get back in the driveway I walk down to my car, a 67 black Chevy Impala exactly like the one from Supernatural. Sam and Dean's names carved into the back seat cup holders and all. I climb into the drivers seat and start it up. She runs smooth and the engine is new. We also replaced the gas tank so she gets 20 miles to the gallon instead of the original 4. My iPod is already plugged in and starts to play "Ignorance" by Paramore. It's blasting as I pull out of the driveway at 7:30. I don't know where to go but I just drive. I drive past the girls school for "girls who have lost their way" but we all just call it the "school for girls who like to stab, bite, kick, and punch." I drive past the high school. I'll be a junior there in 2 weeks. I turn in 17 October. I drive down to Stewarts and get coffee and fill my baby up. I get back into my car. "Shit!" I forgot my phone at home. I drive back. Slowly and quietly pull back into the driveway and get into my room through my window so I don't have to face my mom. I grab my phone off the charger and walk out into the hall and notice my mom isn't upstairs. I'm surprised she isn't up yet. I climb out of my window and close it from the outside and leave again. Now I have a purpose to where I am going. I am going to the park. I just need a break from the house and the normal areas in Burnt Hills. I get to the park and follow the trail into the woods. I find a good sitting tree and climb into the tree and finally look at my phone. I have 3 texts. 1 from Colin, 1 from Caitlen, and 1 from Ryan. Colin is my best guy friend. He is just the sweetest guy ever and I love him. He is like my brother. He helps me through everything. His text reads: "Are you okay? You never texted me back." I reply: "yeah I'm fine." Caitlen, who is my best friend, sent me this text. "What happened between you and Ryan last night? He texted me at like3:30 that he was with you O.O" Ryan is the guy I was with last night. He asked me if I had fun because he did and he wants to do it again. I was astonished. I never thought that he would even come last night let alone want to do it again. I quickly text him. "Yeah! I had fun. We really should do it more often xD" I sat up in the tree for a while. I ran my fingers through my wet hair when I heard a scream. It was more a scream at me. It was Dean, the fire departments chief.

"What the hell are you doing here Bay?"

"I was just sitting in a tree. I needed to get out of the house." I replied

"You do understand to woods is off limits ever sense we found Dominic and Victoria were found having sex back here?" he asked now with a softer tone of voice

"Vic and Dom had sex back here?" I asked loudly


"I had no clue. I'll leave if you need me to."


"Bye!" I shout behind me as I head to my car. I call Caitlen"

"Hello?" she asks groggily

"Victoria and Dom had sex in the woods at the park" I yell into the phone



"Look I'm really tired so I'm just gonna hang up"

The phone made a clicking sound as the call was disconnected. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove down to the Mc Donalds in Glenville. I look at my phone. There is one text from Ryan. "When and where can we meet up? I'll bring you a gift" it reads. I walk in and order a Mc Muffin and sit down as I reply to his message. "Um my place at like 2:00 am? What kind of gift? And did you sleep last night? o.O" I sit and eat as a wait for a reply. Seconds turn into minutes as I wait. I am done with my sandwich before I get a notification. I was getting dirty looks from the cashier, Isabelle from my school, and realized I haven't done my hair. I leave giving Isabelle from school the finger. "Thanks for the looks bitch" I yell as I walk out. I'm so close to my grandmother's house that I just go there. When I pull into the driveway my great grandfather is outside on his scooter

"Hi grandpa" I yell

"Oh hi" he scooters away.

I walk in through the garage door and run upstairs. I go into my sister's bathroom and turn on her flat iron. I open the door to her room and she isn't there but her dog goes nuts. Miniemouse is my baby girl. I love her. She is like my dog but I don't own her but I care for her better. I filled up her dish with food and refilled her water bowl and sat in her bed. I start to separate my hair for straightening. Minie comes up on the bed with me and I pet her. I hear the beeper go off for the flat iron and I proceed to walk into the bathroom and straighten my hair. My phone starts beeping. The sound makes me jump and I burn my hand on the last part of hair that I needed to straighten to complete my hair. I turn off the iron. And read the message from Ryan. It's a picture message of a pot leaf. "Here is your present. And no I haven't slept" I couldn't think of what to reply to that so I just replied with a smile. I have never done pot or any other drug in my life. I have never even smoked. He knows this. I want to try it but I don't. I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of him. And I definitely don't want to do it at my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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