Unruly Company
Chapter 13
Where now?
Danny had woken up periodically throughout the night, each time she was shivering, but felt hot. Zareth would reach over and put his hand on her head. It would feel incredibly cold, probably from his ice abilities. She would lean into the touch, and would smile, say something that she couldn't quite make out and then fall back into a labored sleep.
She woke up again in the morning to something warm being placed against her lips. She slowly opened her mouth and the strangely tart liquid was poured in. She wanted to cringe from the taste, but she was just to weak to. Her eyes fluttered closed again.
She woke up again to the bed swaying. She opened her eyes to see metal walls, and grey leather upholstery. They were inside the old vehicle she stole from that hunting shack in the woods while running with Zareth. She had a small blanket over her middle. Zareth was in the front seat. She could see the side of his head. He had bags under his eyes. Danny kept watching him, she wasn't to sure how long she had watched him, only that time looked as if it kept going without them. Her eyes grew heavy again and she was out.
Dannys eyes opened again and she looked around the room. She wasn't to sure just where they were. But she was sleeping on an old dingy couch. She heard Zareths voice. She turned to see him leaning over someone with a red hat. She wasn't to sure who this person was, but Zareth spoke to them like he knew them well. Even laughed a little. He turned a little and spotted Dannys eyes open. He turned a little and smiled.
"Hey Babe..." He leaned against the computer terminal.
"Babe?!" The guy turned around and looked at Danny and then Zareth. "Oh..." He turned back around.
"We'll be safe here. No need to worry." He put his hand on her forehead and smiled. "You've started to cool down. You've been out for close to four days." He told her and sat down on the side of the cot. "How are you feeling?" He asked her. Zareth watched her reach out from under the covers to take his hand in hers.
"Tired..." She whispered and looked around at the guy who turned his head slightly and looked at her. "Where?" She looked up at Zareth who kissed her fingers before standing back up again.
"Do you remember the warehouse we stayed in when we first met?" Zareth asked. Danny nodded.
"A...Ronins warehouse you said." She said and sat up.
"Well this is Ronin." Danny watched the chair turn around and she was able to see his face fully now.
"Uh...yeah...hi." He turned around again. He was tapping on the keyboard madly.
"Thank you Ronin for taking us in." Danny said politely.
"I'd put again at the end of that. If I didn't look over my security cameras and found Zareth there, I'm pretty sure I would have set the drones on you both." He spat. Danny wasn't to sure if she liked this guy. Danny looked down at the blanket and played with a thread on the seam.
"I know he's a little harsh, but its his way of saying we should have called first." Zareth said and smiled.
"He could have said that instead."
"That wouldn't have been Ronin, Babe." Zareth smiled pulling the toothpick from his mouth.
"If you trust him..." Danny closed her eyes for a moment. Or at least she thought it was a moment. When she opened her eyes again she was laying next to Zareth. His arm was under her head and he was curled around her again. She could see him breathing evenly. She felt someone touch her forehead. She turned to see Ronin sitting next to her. He looked up at the IV bag and then back down at her again.
Book 1: Shattered Harmony
फैनफिक्शनZareth AU: A young girl stumbles into Laffy's needing help. A mysterious stranger decides 'what the hell'