beautiful- only first pov

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First POV- Tsuki


It's been five weeks and I'm still in this weird form!

Is there even a cure to reverse this spell?


Hoshi went to my bedroom and carried a large book in Latin. It read, "Cantus et de Mæda".

"These are the spells of Mæda, Tsuki," Hoshi said, "I found one to tame the demon possessed in you." 

"SCREE?" I screeched.

"No, no, it's not painful, senpai."


Is... she...


"Ad dico vobis, hunc dimittis daemonium in medio tui anima mea!"

All of a sudden...

I fell.

I kept on falling and falling and falling in a bottomless pit of the universe.


I felt her arms wrap around me.

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