The Leader's Babygirl | Yoongi x You

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"Yoongi oppa!" You whined loudly as you walked in the room. Following close behind you were two very intimidating looking men as they closed the heavy metal door behind you. Everyone's eyes landed on you as you continued to walk gracefully towards you're lover.... Min Yoongi.

The place was dark and dull filled with men drinking and playing poker as the smoke of cigarettes clouded the room, but even so you can still see the look on every men's eyes as they followed your every move. You dressed up especially for him, in that oh so favorite black dress that hugged you're body perfectly showing you're amazing figure, your black designer high heels and all sorts of expensive jewelry he had bought for you finished your style... Yoongi always loved seeing you in that outfit.
You're boyfriend stood up from his table in the middle of the room as soon most of the men that where staring at you lustfully looked away immediately... They respected him and were intimidated by him. They knew that you are his girlfriend, he spoiled you so much giving you everything you wanted and desired, no matter the cost or price. You were his and only his...The leader's babygirl.

"y/n! What are you doing here?" He called out your name as you finally reached him. Instantly you embraced him lovingly as you reached up to kiss him passionately, his hands slowly caressing you're back as he continued to kiss you. "What are you doing here babygirl?, you know I don't like you coming here" You pouted. "I just wanted to see you,... I had a bad day at work" You looked up at him with puppy eyes. He sat back down on his chair pulling you closely to sit on his lap, completely ignoring all the people around the table he was previously with. "Oh, you did?... What happened?" He asked as he looked at you lovingly. You replied to him in the cutest way possible, you took your nickname babygirl too seriously.
"Well my manager was being a b*tch to me the entire day and he gave me lot's of heavy impossible paperwork"

You continued to pout as you played with his tie. His expression turned serious as he lifted your chin to look up at him "... What's his name? " He asked you firmly, you laid you're head on his chest. "Oh don't worry, you don't have to do anything... I just wanted to talk to you about it" You lied. You knew Yoongi was definitely gonna do something about it later... And the idea of it already pleased you as you mentally smirked at your clever bratty ways. "Hmmm... Ok baby" He raised an eyebrow as he continued to look at you, he changed the topic as he started to compliment you. "You look amazing tonight babe, how about we leave this place and we go home" He bites his lip as he shamelessly flirts with you, making the people around you two extremely uncomfortable and flustered.

"Okay Yoongi" You giggled as you ran your hand thru his hair kissing him lovingly. The kiss left both of you breathless as you backed away to catch some air. "Okay babygirl, wait for me outside I'll be out in just a minute" He helped you up from your comfortable seat on his lap as he gave you a light pat on your butt before you walked away smiling playfully back at him. "Hey Kris! escort y/n outside" he ordered one of his men to follow you outside to make sure you were safe. One of the men from the table cleared his throat nervously to remind Yoongi that they were still there, he completed forgot about the meeting he was having thanks to you're little visit. "Boss what do you want to do with all the weapons we stole from our rival gang?" Someone asked nervously. "Jimin will take care of that" He replied unworried. "What about the enemy we have captured in the other room?" others asked, Yoongi looked at a young man sitting across from him, his appearance was striking, dressed fashionably and had purple highlights on his hair. "Hoseok take care of that for me" Hoseok smirked as he reached for a gun tucked in his pants, hidden under his shirt. "No problem boss" He replied as he walked off to a different room to take care of a certain problem, a few minutes later a few gunshots were heard in the distance from a room in the building.

Yoongi sighed as he looked at his Rolex watch, it's been more that five minutes he sent his babygirl outside to wait for him he wanted this meeting to end immediately. "Okay so is that everything we needed to discuss?" He asked as he eyed everyone on the table, everyone nodded in reply. "Alright good" He slowly stood up from the table as everyone else remained seated and quiet.
Before leaving he called his right hand man, a very young tall man with handsome features. "Yah Maknae, come here for a second!" The boy immediately walked up to him, his fluffy dark brown hair swaying softly as he walked up to his boss. "Yes Sir?" he politely asked ready for whatever mission his leader might give him. "Jungkookie, do me a favor and find out where y/n's manager lives... And pay him a little visit" Yoongi smiled as he chuckled. Jungkook smiled devilishly as he laughed along with him.

Jungkook the maknae looked like a perfect sweet, kind good guy. But don't be fooled by his angel like appearance... This boy was the complete opposite, he is fearless, competitive, and most importantly... Loyal and that's something Yoongi liked about him, quickly making Jeon Jungkook his favorite.
"No problem Yoongi, I will take care of that personally" The maknae replied.
Yoongi walked away peacefully, knowing the golden boy will successfully take care of this little problem you had today.

The next day as you walked up to you're job, you noticed everyone was gathered in the front desk, looking extremely concerned and worried. You greeted everyone. "Hi everyone!... What's going on?" You asked. "Oh hey you haven't heard?...

our manager got beat up by a bunch of thugs late last night, he is currently in the hospital" A coworker informed you of the situation. "Oh my god! Really!?" You gasped sarcastically
You faked a concern look as you internally smiled wide, as expected you're hubby took care of you're awful manager...Poor guy he shouldn't of have messed with you.
As people continued talking among each other you looked behind you, thru a clear window you spotted a familiar face standing outside the building. It was Yoongi, he looked at you and winked before hopping in his black luxury car followed by Jungkook. You sighed lovingly as you watched the car leave discreetly. You loved your boyfriend, and you love being his spoiled babygirl even more.

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