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Garroths POV

I slowly opened my eyes and looked out the window, instantly closing them again. It took five minutes for my eyes to ajust. DAMN BLUE EYES (rando fact. People with blue eyes are less amune to the sun because the lack of pigment to reflect it.) I sit up and walk over to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and come out. Then i walk over to my closet. And pull out a ivory white shirt, baby blue flannel and black jeans. I then get dressed. And sort out my hair that took like an hour anyway. I walk out of my room to see Vlyad yelling at Zane about something. I mean it is Vlyad's first day so, im not going to stop 'em.

I hear dad yell at them and they go quiet. I then walk over to Vlyad and tap him on the shoulder. "You ready to go?" he looks up at me. "yeah." we grab our bags and leave. Zane always walks alone. But he is my baby brother. I wont stop him. On the way we end up walking behind two other kids. One with Blue hair and a red hoodie with raven jeans. The other a pale brunette with a black and white striped shirt and light blue jeans. "You checking him out?~" Vlyad whispers in my ear. "WHAT NO!!!" I yell really loud. The boys infront of us turned around. I could see the bluenette had blue eyes. And the brunette had a sky blue shade. "Are you okay?" They brunette asked me. "Yeah its just i was walking looking in your general direction and then my little brother asked if i was checking you out!" i say pretty fast. But he must've heard.

"Well, were you?" he asks. "No." he smiles. "My names Laurence by the way." i smile back "Garroth."

Dante's POV

While im watching this little conundrum i turn to see a smaller boy. He seems to not be paying attention and just staring at Garroth? and Laurence's conversation. I walk up behing him and lean down to his ear. "Boo." i whisper into his ear.He jumps and turns looking up at me. "Who are you?" he asks. "Im Dante." he looks to the side and says "Im Vlyad" he looks way to young to be going to falcon claw. "How old are you?" i ask. He looks down. "Im... 1...13." (PUT UP WITH IT BOI) THIRTEEN?! HOW IS THAT EVEN LEGAL!? "Are you sure you going to the right school?" i ask hoping he says hes going to Phoenix drop. "Yep! Im Falcon Claw's new student!" he says a bright smile on his face. Okay thats weird. We walk away and leave the other two alone. Vlyad seems to not be able to stop staring at me and my unusual hair colour. "Its natural." i say still walking looking down. Man its awkward walking with a younger kid. "How?" he asks. I shrug and keep quiet. The truth was as a child my hair was blond. But then Gene tried to drown me and i conected with the water and now my hair and eyes are blue. I dont get it honestly. "Hey,you never told me how old you were?" Vlyad said.

"Oh sorry! Im 19" i say. He nods and we walk the rest of the way in silence. Once we arrive we walk in and sit down next to eachother as we both want Garroth and Laurence to sit next to eachother.

~La time skip brought to you by Temmy flakez~

The teacher took the register and then she stepped to the front of the class. "Hello students! My name is Mrs. Ro'Meave. But you can call me Ziana." I see Vlyad's, Garroth's and The black haired emo in the front's heads look down."Sweet pea,Zuzu and GarGar please dont look down!" who? I see Vlyad,Garroth and the other one. All stand up and yell "MOM! PLEASE CALL US BY OUR REAL NAMES IN PUBLIC!" Ow my ears. She smiled "Oh right sorry boys." Everyone looked at Vlyad, Garroth and the other one. As they sat down."She's your mom?" he looked at me and nodded. "Today! We will be learning about our soul marks! Please can you all show your mark! It should be located your right wrist for a boy and left wrist for a girl!" i look at my wrist and see a pile of books and pizza. Vlyad hasnt got one on his right wrist. He gulps and looks at his left, revealing a pizza and a ocean. "You're a girl?" he shakes his head frantically. "No. Im just gay..." i see a deep blush coats his cheeks. I lift his chin to look at me. "Listen, it's fine. No one here is gonna judge you. Apart from Ivy." its only now i notice how red he's gone and how close i am to his face. I let go. "hehe... Sorry..." he looks away "It's fine."

Then Nicole walks up to me. "Hey Nikki" she tuts "Don't 'Hey Nikki' me. Explain this!" She shows me her wrist it's a volley ball and female sign. "..." i stare at it. Then i stand up. "WHO HAS A FIST AND A FEMALE SIGN?!" I see Katelyn raise her hand. And then i sit down. "Nikki, i believe your soulmate is over there." she starts to tear up. "But Dante. A..Are you dumping me!?" i nod. "Nicole, if we arent meant to be, we can't change that. So its best not to be." i kiss her on the forehead and signal for her to go to Katelyn. She walks away. Vlyad looks at me. "Are you okay? I know how hard it is to dump someone and act calm about it." i lay my head on the table and cross my arms around it. "Nikki..." i whisper faintly.

Garroth's POV

I look at my wrist and see a soccer ball with a crown on it. I walk up to mom. "What does this mean?" she smiles "You got the Prince." i blush lightly "PRINCE!?" Laurence's head shoots up red as a tomato. "Whats the matter Laurence?" hmm. Im only now realising he shares a name with the Prince. At least he isn't a Zvhal. He stands up and walks over to me. On his left wrist i see a baseball bat and a door. He stands on his tip-toes. And whispers in my ear "I'm Laurence, Laurence Zvhal." he goes a deeper red. I look at him.  "That means we are..." "Soulmates" we say the last word in unisen.

Word count 1111

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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