Chapter 1 Beginning

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In a world with so much to gain, but yet so much to lose. You gain by giving birth to a child that holds so much potential,joy, happiness and power that used in the right way. Yet you have to fight for the freedom of even just living. Protect your loved ones and wishing no harm to them. Sometime things don't happen the way you want them to be.
Do you know what danger behold's in this world? No.. Ok I'll tell you,  but don't say you've been warn. See there are different clan in this world, but what would I say we are not alone? Yes..our world is somehow connected to other worlds across the universe. How is that possible? I'll tell you.
  It might seem weird, but someone connect our world with Electro magnetic Force pull. Yes electricity runs everywhere even in the speed of light, but with the force we live on is totally different from other worlds. Let just say you have 2 magnet and they come together just in different ways, but not perfect you know when people in the world reading this book they try so hard to equally match the magnets that you use on the refrigerator and they repel against either, somehow stick.  Yes are world is like that. We also discover other forms of life on other planets. This is where the world as we know it was fuck up so bad.
So it all started when we had bad president named Ummm dang what his name... Oh I got it! His name was Hervey Grove.  Yes he was more like an asshole to shut down governments to get he wants like you know the real one in real life! As always the usual doing Shit like he has no business doing. He made decisions that really put our world in jeopardy like making all of allies turn against us when we stop sending help or the time when we haven't paid China yet for the money we still owe or the time when he promise he'll make better jobs for us which never happen, and don't get me started on the time when he.... He made crimes across the country and state. Just can't believe that he made it to president. You know like y'all president, but the worse decision he made was going alone to a different planet, that plan's to kill us and take over the universe as we know it.
Yes, this dum ass fool decided our faith.  He decided to go there alone when people try to tell him that they kind doesn't like us and honestly we was happy asshole that he was killed , but in the same sense in our heads we was fuck and other planet's were to.
Hervey said to the planet Jupiter leader Chris haggis,  look you will not come over our world.  Letting you know that this was all over the news national wide live.  Hervey continue speaking,  you are weak and I especially don't like your kind.  We build a special wall for you that you can't get into our world. So you try to come here to our home, we will strike you down where you stand. Honestly let's be real. They was laughing at this man or I'll say thing for a whole 30 minutes. Even the guy that was sitting right next me was like, we are all fuck!
Chris look at him with the most disgusting, disrespectful look and said, you think that we'll soft as he laugh out loud. Chris continue to speak, see I don't have time for this and this is y'all president that represents your all? Hervey was looking like a sad puppy with his tail between his legs. As usual he lost power.  How that happen?
Hervey said one thing that doom us all.  Hervey said to Chris we will kill you disgusting instinct clan. The number 1 thing you don't say is make empty threats about there clan. Chris was kind to let go of the first threat, but wasn't so kind of the second. Chris without speaking to Hervey hit a move called electric sound shocks.  A electrical move that send's electricity waves from the ear to his heart. The heart can survive electricity pulses, but once it overloads or goes to extraordinary pulses that the heart can't go no faster. It will explode from the inside of his body.
Chris's clan is full of Electric and metal users. You'll have to be born with it, but just the people that born with electricity in there body is highly the most dangerous clan alive. They don't have patience and strike hard and fast.  They speed increase by second and also hard to be reckin with in battle. With Chris wasn't a real fan of Hervey let's just say this.
Chris said to Hervey, look you think you can get your way all the time and get away from all of your bullshit.  I've may not know everything about you,  but just looking at your face makes me wanna kill it. Hervey try to reply while look at Chris eyes filled with electricity, why tried...........
Man all we seen was Hervey going down. Chris never let him said a word, and hit him with that move which honestly was disgusting. He basically cook his ass from the inside out.
I look around and the crowd was jumping for joy and happiness saying things like I'm so happy that the fool is dead or I can finally get my full income tax return, but little we know we had a new threat to worry about. This is where we had to fight for our freedom. Chris look at the camera and said to us that we're all dead and I'm taking over the universe.  No one will stop me and my clan will rule everything and Chris blow up the camera and the whole world was shock in fear. This is where war and hell begin's and honestly if Hervey didn't do this we'll be all fine even though we all knew this was all coming, but it was too soon and he had to fuck us all up. Guess Hervey said to himself if I'm dying then all of you dying with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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