Hakishi clan part 1 (General and History)

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Hakishi clan

Hakishi is from Konohagakure. It's an unknown clan and nothing is known about them. Almost none of them died in wars, and that's why there are many. They are so widespread. The most respected member of this clan was their beginner and leader Ru. He was a strong and very good leader and he knew how to use a ninjutsu and taijutsu and that he also combined them. This, with a combination, creates a gentle combo known as Hakijutsu. A few of them rarely managed to overcome the genjustu, but that little fanfare was spending a lot of energy and chakras. They are not so good with medical jutsu, because they are more hunter ninjas and they like to kill from ambush. Teamwork is good for them, but only for their clan. They hardly cooperate with other clans. . When questioning the secret of a mission or mission (high-level missions, special missions) wear red kimono and special weapons (with which they are not so good, and this weapon is made for their level of skill). Generally, those capable members who have mastered some jutus, for example, genjutsu, etc. It is not an important number in the team, but a combination of their jutus and power is important. Usually Hakishi likes to steal jutus from other clans because they do not have any special powers and moves or jutsus that can hide their special superior clan powers. For many years they have kept their talents and powers. That is why the team leader is usually a spy or analyzes the jutus and writes them while other stay or think of the strategy or simply fight (when it comes to). As far as the weapons are concerned, they do not have any weapons except for the final moves. They are masters of taijutsu, but also in the doijutsu as a special jutsu of the clan. The improvement of any technique slows them down so they are prone to hiding and secretly-invincible strategies and are most often attacking the day. They are too lazy to attack at night because they do not want to kill them. They often hide or change their identities (if necessary depending on the case or person) and no one can kill or break them. That's why many missions end successfully. They are equivalent to the ranks of Anbu operatives. They usually live in caves or in around the forests. They wear green kimono and brown boots, but they do not have to. Clothing can also be differentiated by age and by year.

The Hakishi clan dynasty and their members are much more important than the techniques and customs themselves. Every important member is recorded or usually remembered by some particular name or event. Not many events have occurred that have changed something in this clan.The Hakishi clan never had anything to do with other clans (especially avoiding mixing) and they themselves are the root. It is different from Kagyua's clan, and therefore does not contain any other clan as the other (derived root). When we have already mentioned the age of Kagyua, the beginner of the Hakishi dinasty was Tsurihime. Tsurihime was very strong but lacked superhuman strength. She had a sharp eye and could manipulate some things with it. She knew martial arts techniques, and her teacher was a woolly master of techniques. Before she gave birth to her first child, (Ru) has devised some of her techniques, the techniques of supernatural power. She had a strong and double bond in her body. When she gave birth to sons, she gave her powers and skills to her sons, while returning to normal human strength. Ru was very strong and he was sometimes called to be a judge in the competitions of anyone (other clans). Ri wasn't so strong like Ru. He did not have strong physical strength, but he developed inner strength. Ru and Ri are first members are the first members to have hakingan. They created him. Ru had his own and Ri too. Ru was have orange hakingan and Ri had purple hakingan.The following important members are daughter and son of Ru. A new period begins with them. The very same two dynasty lines have their own special name, Sukiru, daughter of Ru, the younger sister of Kenryoku got the name of her line of her skills and qualities - 'Sukiru (ス キ ル)' - jap. Skill, and Brother Kenryoku by his cowardly and powerful - 'Kenryoku (権 力). 'Skilled Hakishi' were very skilled fighters and were mostly involved in fencing and they used more weapons and hide in the trees and attacked from there while these other "Powerful Hakishi" were hasty, duller, but very strong compared to these others. They avoided the pentner by the trees, and more took up the center of the battle or the battlefield and often ended with victory (victory by hands) while these others were a little strategic, but slowly considered the fight. The dynasty 'Skilled Hakishi' liked to mate with other families. They were the other "Powerful Hakishi" who liked pure blood, or lack of communication with other clans. What Sukiru did essential for this clan is that she introduced her weapon to finish the fight at the beginning of the battle, the clan rituals, and the kimono clan clothes. Suikiru loved the team to cooperate and was friendly to everyone, and often met with other clans and families. Ru did not forbid it, but introduced a restriction that was strictly adhered to. Sukiru's cunning, wisdom and knowledge led to the Hakishi clan often copying and stealing jutus from others that did not bother Seikiru. Because of the association with the clans who had the Doijtsu and Genjutsu, Sukiru was the first of the clan members who skillfully mastered dojutsu and genjutsu. This is how Hakingan was created at second time - the dojutsu of this clan. Later she often went into various quarrels, but she quickly and cunningly solved it. Whoever was competing with him was severely punished. Sukiru often used Hakigan for such situations (negotiations and quarrels) and Hakingan is used at the end of the fight or problem as a crucial move in the battle (also because of spending a lot of chakras). Therefore, he is less and more difficult to use than all the special powers of this clan. What Kenryoku did for this clan is fighting style (arms, legs - taijutsu), fast attack, and clan jutus . He was also the leader of many groups and he had his own law . This law was important even for the "Skilled Hakishi", that is, on Sukiru who strictly respected this law and kept it for a very long time. Kenryoku loved his sister much and supported her in many things. They fought together, but only because of Kenryoku's selfishness and jealousy Kenryoku performed first and led the army. She had never had a problem with that and she covered her brother's back. The fight would end successfully by Kenryoku's first start, and Sukiru finished with a brilliant combo and very little was lost. Suikiru often used Hakigan for such situations (negotiations and quarrels) and Hakingan is used at the end of the fight or problem as a crucial move in the battle (also because of spending a lot of chakras). Therefore, he is less and more difficult to use than all the special powers of this clan. The following important members of the clan were Kenryoku and Sukuru's children. Sukiru had two children while Kenryoku had 5 (3 sons and 2 daughters). The older child of Sukiru was called Shyomi. She was positive and sociable as her mother. The second child was younger than Shyomi 6 years and was male. His name was Zakuzo. Shyomi was a good kid and she worked at the beginning to study techniques. Shyomi had a husband from another clan and this is the first time anyone in this clan has merged with another clan. Shyomi introduced this into Kenryoku's law - that Hakishi could interfere with other clans, but only on the male line (and this was mostly valid for her lineage). Kalim's and Shyomi's son was Sho. He relied more on Mother and mastered genjutsu and dojutsu, Hakingan. Wakapo was son of Sho. He followed in the footsteps of his father and extended on, to younger generations. He also added something new as a technique of his own that was used a long time ago but later had no use in combat. Sukiru's other child (younger), Zakuzo, went through a thoroughbred road. He does not really care about the precursor, but what he has done is that his law is joining with other clans (it's a little different from Shyomi's). Most of them were hanging out with the Aburame clan because they had similar goals and similar techniques. In the beginning, Hakishi could only have a birth with a Aburame clan on a female line (Shyomi's part of the law).That line quickly disappeared. Friendship between these two clans is still ongoing. Kenryoku had 3 sons and 2 daughters. They have done a lot of what they did and created many, today's technical basics. Let's say, for example, a clan symbol that has been changed up to three times. First Ru, Kenryoku and his children. Kenryoku's first (older) sons did it. The oldest was Daichi then the middle Ahmud, and the youngest Sui. The first two sons are only the foundations of the Hakishi clan symbol (sign) and the technique of the sign, while the third has perfected it and devised some small techniques that had not been used much before. They were quickly lost. But she stayed away from the technique that was for team work, and that was the key technique that is being used now. It is foreseen only for secret missions or for Anbu. The daughters did not do something in order, but they first created secret hideouts for a large cave for special members of the clan where various things are held. Some changes in the costume have been introduced. They retained the kimonos, but they were quite different from the previous ones, and for those who wear special coats in caves or in the woods. Usually it was dark in color and was worn at night. The highest number of births per woman line, that is, according to these sisters. These members are not important, because they only multiplied and nothing changed significantly. The following important members are the children of Ri. Ri had 3 children. Two of them were 2 brothers who kept the hakishi clan tradition while the third child was their sister who turned to another tradition, that is, joined another clan. Ri demanded that their last name be kept for anyone. Because of this, although his daughter married and entered the clan of her husband, she succeeded in upholding the Hakishi clan tradition and directing it towards her family, or children. Since her children were half-and-half (50% + 50%), that is, they were from two clans, so they could choose whether to be in the mother or father clan. They were part of the Hakishi clan, though they were a separate clan or house for themselves and had some special rules in submission to the main family of the Hakishi clan. The descendant of the Kojo family is Lenyao, and the descendant of the Niwa family is Sasame. Ri's eldest son had descendants like everyone else and as a descendant of his family was Lord Reiketsu who was named a hakikage but gave up the act.

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