Writers Block

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Lucy couldn't think of how to write this. She was at a certain place in her novel but she had never experienced the sensation, so she couldn't describe the scene. She grabbed her hair in frustration. "Why do all the good novel writers have perfect words to describe something that amazing?" she muttered as she got up to make tea. She sighed. She'd been really distracted the past few days, not that it had anything to do with what she was writing at the moment, but it was still annoying, because she wasn't sure what was distracting her. She sat at her table, carefully sipping the hot tea, before getting up and going back to desk. She sat there for at least twenty minutes, trying to picture what it was like. She started when the door opened. There, wearing nothing but his boxers, was none other, than Gray Fullbuster. Lucy sweatdropped. "Gray..." She started. "Hmm? What?" He looked really distracted. "Your clothes you idiot! Wait, were you walking around half-naked in the street?" She giggled as she pictured the scene, people casting awkward glances over their shoulders as Gray walked over to her house, oblivious to the gawkers. "Whatever." he shrugged. "I just wanted to go somewhere where Natsu and Erza weren't trying to kill me." He sat down on my couch and leaned back. "You sure know how to make yourself comfortable, don't you Gray?" Lucy said, turning back to her novel. She growled at the paper, staring at it, as if she was cramming for a test that was due the next day. "You seem to be having a staring contest with the paper. Who's winning?" "Shut up you bastared. I just can't figure out how to write something in this stupid scene." "What scene is it?" He asked. Before she could do anything, he grabbed the manuscript and read aloud: "He slowly approched me, his lips coming down to meet mine. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for." "Kyaaa! Stop it, stop it, stop it!" She grabbed the papers out of his hands, blushing furiously. "Hey, it's good. You need help with anything?" He said casually. "Uhh, sure... but i'm not sure how you would-" She was cut off by Gray standing up abruptly and pressing his mouth against hers. Lucy was shocked. So that's what he meant by 'helping her'. Suddenly she knew what had been distracting her the past few weeks. Gray. It was as simple as that. She accepted the kiss after a moments hesitation. They broke apart, gasping. Gray smirked. "Did that help you ?" "A lot."In more ways than one." She said breathlessly. He started walking towards the door. "See you around?" He asked. "7:00 in the park. Tomorrow." She said, as if she had practiced saying it over and over. " 'Kay. Bye." He walked out. Lucy finished her scene in two minutes and went to bed, wanting to wake up as soon as she could the next day so she could get ready.  She fell asleep dreaming about very happy things. Cold water, ice cream, kittens, and Gray.

I just wanted to mention that this story was really just a one-shot, however I will be continuing my story One Step at a Time.

Writers Block (Graylu)Where stories live. Discover now