1: Buu who?

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{,Approximately 1 billion years ago.} \\skip just a bit over half way if you want to start where you meeet\\

The monster know as Buu was awoken. The evil wizard Bibidi stood behind cackling. The Majin propelled himself forward and began to attack multiple being with destructive attacks . Every single last being either had or were doomed to drop dead. His eyes a deep crimson red they almost looked soulless,and some would say 'who's to say they  weren't?' And to that it is true he has little self awareness in sure a form that only posses pure malice, hated and simply evil! The little monster was seen as truly heartless and that would never change.

BOOOM! Annnnnd there goes the planet along with the entire race.

"Great job Majin Buu!" Bibidi shrieked out to him and pulled himself together lightly brushing away any debris on his cloak.

"Eeeeee heheehe!!" Majin Buu laughed.

"Yikes....eh hard to hold a conversation with some one who lacks the ability to speak....." Bibidi muttered.

"Raaah sha.....ah." Buu laughed

"Well let's go Majin Buu- wait!!! Wait up!"

Majin Buu had already zoomed off into the void of space leaving behind the wizard.

-circa 1 million years ago-

The Kai's were being after by the vicious monster Buu! He had the body of the child.(not to mention about as much intelligence as a peanut) he launched forward attacking his first victim.

Next. Defeated.

The next absorbed.

Majin Buu now had raging muscles and veins that had looked like they could burst his tentacle noticeably longer more than likely due to his awful posture

His next and thought to be his last victim. Shin.

Shin backed in fear but soon a man with a body like jelly almost like Santa stood before him defending him.


Shin cried out in sorrow for his loss

But in the clouds and what had emerged was someone who was the spitting image of dai kaioshin. His skin however had became pink and his pants baggy with that belt.


Smoke had subsided as the creature Buu was finally released from his egg. But where could he possibly be? Babidi looked around and Dabura merely laughed it off. But he was there. The pink creature took a few minutes before he slowly revealed himself he persisted to lollygagg and waddle around.

There you were just your average woman at least that's how most saw you. You hid behind a large rock in the area and shuddered a bit as you felt the ground shake every time the undoubtedly much much larger being(Majin Buu.) Jumping.

You weren't usually one to hide but this once you had to. You were scared, confused, and well even a bit intrigued.

You listen in carefully as the commotion settles down a bit. He seems to be standing still.

"P-phew...." You let out a small and shaky sigh in relief.

They had seemed to be talking at least the wizard was. It would seem to talk so much that Buu had wandered away.

The Majin male hummed as he'd walked over to your rock. You didn't know what to do you held onto the rock for dear life and stayed quiet whilst you hoped for the best.

"Hmmm....?" The pink blob tilts his head and slightly opens his eyes a bit wider he looked behind the rock and you quickly jolted to the other side.

So, what'd he do you may ask. He looked on the other side.

You'd jolted again. This time to the side you previously were on.

He looked over to your side again.

You once again ran to the opposite side.

He began to clap. "Hehehe!!" He giggled loudly . "that game fun!" Buu yelled as he grabbed you firmly by your head ,his large hands gripping your skull tightly.

"Put me down! Help!" You screamed out.

That ever so cheerful smile on his face ever so quickly turned to a smirk, a smirk with malice behind it. He giggled again this time with a more sadistic sound to it almost like a dark chuckle.

"Majin Buu!" Babidi called out.

The Majin hadn't said a word before he dropped the female he was once holding by the cranium with a vice grip.

He quickly waddled off to go do his next share of evil, and wrongdoing.

You picked yourself up and brushed off some debris with a sigh. "

Something about this pudgy pink creature, intrigued you, either way, you looked at it, he's a monster yes, but he's cute, no?

Not handsome, but cute. You could see yourself giving him a hug and snuggling into his well-rounded figure.

Well, maybe not all of that but something did indeed leave you intrigued by the pudgy pink warrior.

Majin Buu x (female) Reader. [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now