Jetpack Blues

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"I got those jetpack blues, just like Judy, the kind that makes June feel like September, I'll be the last one that you'll ever remember," JPG sang to herself as she sat alone inside the little Starbucks on the block. Chair tipped back against the window, she was resting her feet on the table and staring out at the rain with an empty and unhappy expression. A few baristas shot her angry looks, but none of them bothered to demand that JPG get her feet off the table. Perhaps it was a good thing, though, because JPG didn't even notice them, too busy staring out in the rain and singing to herself, thinking about all that had led her here today. The baristas weren't even shadows in the back of JPG's mind. All she could see was Riley.

JPG and Riley had been dating for nearly a year now but, as perfect as it had been so far, enough problems managed to surface in their relationship that things were getting kind of rocky. Their most recent argument had been over... well, that was funny, JPG couldn't even remember anymore. She couldn't remember what she and Riley had been fighting over that had sent JPG running from the house and to the Starbucks. All she remembered was the hurt, the pain, the anger, the defensiveness, the sadness, the guilt. JPG could remember the feelings, but not what had brought her to those feelings in the first place. Had it been their most recent argument that sent JPG running? Or an accumulation of other past problems? Or just a shift in their relationship? Or maybe they just weren't meant to be and this was life's way of showing them?

There were a lot of possibilities to explain why JPG and Riley's relationship was so rocky right now, but JPG was tired of trying to figure out which one was right. All she wanted was to find that peace of mind she used to have about Riley, but nothing would bring her that peace. Being around Riley made her agitated and frustrated while being away from Riley did the exact same thing. When the fighting went silent, the ringing in JPG's ears got violent, so even when she wasn't anywhere near Riley, Riley was still at her side, arguing with her and making her feel bad. And JPG was doing the exact same thing to-

"JPG?" a voice interrupted JPG's meditation. It wasn't a barista. It was JPG's best friend, Alison.

"Hey," JPG grunted despondently, not bothering to turn around and greet her old friend properly.

"I hear you and Riley got into another fight?" Alison asked gently, not bothered by JPG's rudeness because she understood where it came from.

"What else is new?" JPG gave a harsh laugh, so uncharacteristic of the happy and excited giggles she usually had.

"I don't know," Alison replied. "Why don't you tell me?" and then before JPG could stop her, Alison had sat down in the chair right beside JPG and began to coax her into talking. Although JPG felt a bit annoyed by Alison trying to get her to talk about this when she was barely even ready to think about it, JPG also found herself glad that Alison was there, willing to lend an ear. Without even meaning to, JPG suddenly began to confess to Alison. Her inhibitions faded like the rainy mist outside and she began to tell her oldest friend about all of her relationship drama.

After about 30 minutes, JPG had gotten the first wave of her angst, anxiety and anger out and Alison only continued to sit there and listen, absorbing it all and saying nothing. Alison had always been a good listener. She was ready, willing, intelligent and thoughtful. When she listened, she listened. And that was part of the reason JPG hadn't minded telling her about her issues with Riley. Had Alison been anyone else, JPG might not have spoken at all. Other people couldn't be counted on to really listen with a nonjudgmental and nonconfrontational ear. Even the most well-meant listeners often tried to get JPG to fix her life instead of allowing her to just talk it out. Alison never did that. Instead, she only listened...

But even though Alison wasn't one to offer up solutions to every problem, she still would guide JPG in certain directions.

"I have no doubt that this relationship has been stressful," she began. "After all, Riley's had quite a traumatic life and I have no doubt that it makes her a bit hard to love sometimes, but even so, please don't be so quick to dismiss her."

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