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This is Breanna but everybody calls her Bre. She is from New Orleans Louisiana. She is 18 finna graduate high


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school. She tryna make it out of the hood but she is stuck in the game. Her best friend is Lloryn but that's like a sister to her. She had this crush on this one boy since middle school, but only one person know and that's lloryn.

 She had this crush on this one boy since middle school, but only one person know and that's lloryn

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This is Lloryn but everybody calls her lu-lu. Her and Bre been rocking since 6th grade and never stopped having that sister like bond. She really don't care for relationships but the niggas be all over her but she still don't be caring fr. She tryna make it out the hood but her and Bre stuck in the game. She also know who Bre like and tells her all the time to go for it but she to scary.

This is denazia but everybody calls her nazia

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This is denazia but everybody calls her nazia. She is 18 finna graduate high school and is Bre fake little sister. Denazia be getting all the niggas but be breaking up with they ass so that's how that go. She is not in the game as much as New and lu-lu but she in it and it's easy for her to get out cause her daddy is the boss. She also been rocking with Bre and lu-lu since 6th grade and they bond gets tighter and tighter each day.

 She also been rocking with Bre and lu-lu since 6th grade and they bond gets tighter and tighter each day

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This is Jasmine but everybody call her little or lil bit cause she been so little since 6th grade. She is 18 finna graduate high school and is a dance girl for the high school. She is not in the game at all cause she is just not like that but it's ok the game is not for everybody and epically for little old Jasmine. Lil bit likes trey but she knows how much of a hoe he is and she really already been through enough

 Lil bit likes trey but she knows how much of a hoe he is and she really already been through enough

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This is August but everybody call him Aug or youngin. He has been in the game since he was 14. He knows the ends and outs because of his brother Mel (which is not dead yet) he wants to graduate and start a music career but he really needs to get out the game first. He has this crush on Bre every since middle school but just has not said nothing. He see her in the trap and school but can't find the right words to say to her.

This is Chris August best friend and is in love with lu-lu and she's knows cause Chris is bold unlike August

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This is Chris August best friend and is in love with lu-lu and she's knows cause Chris is bold unlike August. He is 18 finna graduate like everybody else, but him, August, tyga, and trey was as close as Bre, lu-lu, nazia, and lil bit. Chris is in the game but he wants to sing just like Aug.

 Chris is in the game but he wants to sing just like Aug

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This is tyga and he is 18. He likes nazia but she don't know cause he a little bitch when he be trying to tell her. Tyga is not in the game cause he raps and he not trying to mess that shit up cause right now he making big bank. Tyga be trying to go out and shot but Aug and them be tripping and be saying they tired and shit but it's ok we going tonight no buts about it

 Tyga be trying to go out and shot but Aug and them be tripping and be saying they tired and shit but it's ok we going tonight no buts about it

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This is trey he is the player of the group it right now he got his eye on one girl and that lil bit. He scared to try to talk to her cause be don't want to break her heart. He is also 18 like everybody else. He tap like tyga so he not in the game like everybody else, but he really trying to stop hoeing for little cause he Think she super fine and thick.

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