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This is a random idea I came up with yesterday. It's a way to show how hard it is to conceptualize infinity. Now, another guy already did this, with his infinite hotel paradox, but what's the fun in doing something another guy has already done and just copying it here. He's dead now, so it's not like he can sue me, but whatever. Ooooookay nevermind, I just looked it up, he has a Twitter page. Yep, he's still alive. His name is Jeff Dekofsky, look him up. Or... don't. It doesn't really matter to me. Ok, sorry about that side tangent, onto the thing I was talking about in the first place! So, a way to conceptualize (or try to) infinity. (This will require A LOT of imagination, don't tell me, "Well there's no WAY that could happen," cause I don't care. Imagine a stone cube in the ground, 10 feet on each side, stretching into the sky. You can not see the end. Next to it, there is a line of rock climbers, one right in front of it. A bell rings. He starts climbing, the others cheering him on. Exactly 200 feet above him is another climber. He starts climbing too. 200 feet above him is another climber and so on and so on. This goes up to the atmosphere. Every 200 feet is a climber, all starting to climb at the same time. They all climb at the same pace. Once they get to 200 feet, they stop. They pull out a tent, set it up, and sleep. And so it continues. Soon, they are passing Mars. Then, thousands of years later (their immortal or something, I don't know) they reach Pluto. And keep going. Soon, they are out of our Solar System. But millions of light years ahead of these climbers are more, these ones passing Sagittarius A* (a black hole approximately in the center of the galaxy) and keep going. Past them, millions of more light years ahead, are more. They are leaving our galaxy. Millions of more light years later, they are in another one. And it goes on. Eventually going to the edge of the universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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