Chapter One: The Untimely End of Latnox The Scythe Master

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I sat in my bed thinking 'Today's the day I'll tell her, And ask her.' The alarm went off I could barely sleep I hit the button and sat there thinking some more. I finally got off of the bed I slid of my night clothes and took a shower once done I changed my hair to make it perfectly brushed and made my eye's a mix of grey and white. I went over to my closet and took out an offical uniform. Today was test day everyone would do there best and get ranked I put on a small t-shirt that barely covered anything and then a dress shirt. Along with that I put on a jacket with marksman badges on it, I put on a tie then slide on some pantie's and dress pants along with dress shoes. I grabed a bag filled with weapons and my pod then walked out the door I was met with a plesent red. They had recolored the walls I went down the hall and took the elvator down to the training room on floor B19. When the doors opened instead of scattered everyone was lined up with officals everywhere I walked over to the marksman line and waited. It was finally my turned when a man came up to me "Are you kidding? What's a girl doing here the line for recon is over there girlie." He pointed over a little ways over I looked at him I reconzied him he was the top marksman for the male sharpshooter's. I laughed a bit "Just for that I won't hold back boy." I said.

I walked up to the marksman table and put in my pod The named ELIZABETH TSUTUS came up on the screen the offical asked if I wanted a rifle to use I shook my head and took out a pistol and walked to lane farest from the targets. The guy laughed "You can't use a pistol from that far away are you stupid?" I smiled and signaled the offical to start by this point the sexist sharpshooter had brought the attention of the entire room even the highst ranked were intrested I closed my eye's whispering to my self "I invoke the right of the tsutus give me the sight of death!" as the bell ringed for me to begin I opened my eye's a sort of targesting system showed for me only as it locked onto all the targets. There were 50 targets in all the sexist had been able to shoot them all with 5 bullets....I planed to do it with 1. Hit them all I whispered to the pistol I fired one shot by the time the shell hit the ground 50 targets had been hit my name appeared above the sexist's on the leader borad. I grined and looked at him waiting for a response. He was speachless a mans voice boomed though out the speakers "Okay everyone back to your test." I was looking for auria and victoria when I noticed latnox the man auria had beat he was looking at a girl grinning when he winked at her she flinched I walked over to her and asked "Got a problem with latnox?" she looked at me puzzled. "U-uh no...." she responed and  looked her in the eyes "Tell me the truth I know your lying." after a few moments of argueing she finally told me. I rushed over to the hand to hand combat area where I found auria "AURIA!" I shouted before she began "What is it elizabeth?" she responed I went up to her and whispered in auria's ear "Latnox has been rapeing women." I backed away so that I would not be caught in auria's rage the lights flicked as the ground around her cracked. "LATNOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she roared with the voice of a dragon. He came infront of her "What do you want girl" then he noticed just how angry she was her twin katana's Reality and Nearia formed in her hands by the time the officals figured out what was happening latnox had been stabed in the heart.

Some people cheered until an commandered came down "What is going on here!?!" He asked auria was going to say something but then everyone started saying things latnox had done he had violated almost every rule in the organzation but everyone too afraid to bring it up. Once everything was sorted I found auria she was just now being released from intergation. We were met by a man in uniform he gave auria a piece of paper. She read it out load "You are being summoned to the HQ about matter's concerning your team-mate Victoria Narugit. You shall  be escorted with the ranked member's leaving after the event's of the offical officer ranking day. Also you have been given the rank of Commanding Captain and the being 'Elizabeth Tsutus' has been given the rank of Lieutenant." we asked many question but no one had any infomation on why we needed to go to HQ for victoria something seemed wrong.

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