In Another Life

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Description: Tay is in love with his best friend.

"Tay ?" New calls, Tay had been ignoring him all day and he didn't know why. had he done something wrong ? something to upset him ? "not now, New." the aforementioned says sternly and New walks closer to him. "Tay-"

"New ! not now !" Tay snaps and New takes a few steps back, shocked. "Tay, what's wrong ?" he asks not giving up, his best friend was upset and he needed to know why. "please, just stop talking to me."

"fine, please, at least talk to me later-"

"i mean stay out of my life, New." he snaps, now frustrated that New can't seem to take a hint. "w-why ? did i do something wrong ?" the younger stutters and Tay drops his head in his hands, "i love you, New."

"i love you too, why are you pushing me away ?" New takes the chance to step forward but Tay holds his hand out, stopping him. "New, i'm in love with you." he quietly lets out and New stares at him- he was shocked, he didn't know what to say. "i know, New, i know that you don't feel the same and that's fine." he starts, "but please just leave me alone, it's easier that way." New shakes his head and laughs.

"come on, Tay, stop joking." he says shoving Tay's shoulder playfully. "i'm not joking, New !"

"i fucking love you and i know you don't love me back, that's fine, but leave me the fuck alone." he snaps and New furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Tay, what ? we're best friends, you can't be in love with me !"

"but i am, New. i am and it fucking hurts when you call me your best friend o-or your brother !" he confesses and New looks at him sadly, he was losing his best friend. "i-i'm sorry." he looks down at his feet not being able to look Tay in the eye. "it doesn't matter. please, just pretend we never met !" Tay says hopefully and that hurt New, his own best friend was telling him to stay out of his life. "i-i- Tay !" New whimpers, looking up at him with wide tear filled eyes. "it's better this was, New. i- you don't have to feel bad o-or pressured into feeling s-something yo-you don't !" Tay smiles sadly, wiping his cheeks as he feels tears fall.

"Tay, p-please don't do this. y-you're my bes-best friend, don't le-leave me." New chokes out in between sobs, he felt bad that he didn't feel the same way for Tay, he thought they were only best friends. he didn't think Tay would ever feel that way for him. "New, stop. look at me." Tay says softly, tilting New's face up by his chin- to look him in the eye. "New, i love you, you're also my best friend. b-but i can't be in your life, Newwie. you'll fine a new best friend ! someone who won't be in love with you." Tay smiles at him and sees New's bottom lip quiver. "don't cry, Newwie." he whispers and New throws his arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Tay- please, don't." he says in between sobs and Tay rubs his back soothingly. "you'll be alright, baby. you don't need me !" he feels New shake his head and he sighs, "i love you, Newwie, i know i'm your best friend- but you need to let me go- it'll be better for the both of us !" New wipes his tears and nods, "if that's what you want." he quickly brings his hand to his mouth to stop himself from crying even more, the sight breaks Tay, but it needs to be down. he can't just live his life being in love with his best friend who doesn't feel the same towards him, and most definitely not now that New knows- he'll just feel bad for not feeling the same towards Tay and that'll hurt Tay more than what's happening now.

"cheer up, Newwie !" Tay smiles sadly, "i'm sorry i don't feel the same about you, Tay, i'm really sorry." New whispers, his bottom lip quivering and more tears gather in his eyes. "don't be sorry, New. this is my decision, you have nothing to worry about." he reassures the younger.

New tightly wraps his arms around Tay once again and breaks down completely, is this the last time he'll see Tay ? if not then it'll still be the last time he talks to him. wouldn't that hurt more ? being able to see them but not talk to him.

when did he even start having feelings for him ? why didn't he say anything sooner ? maybe they could've cleared things up and Tay wouldn't have feelings for him and they couldn't still be best friends.

"stop crying, New." Tay rubs his back soothingly and New quiets his sobs but Tay can still feel his body shaking. he's in love with his best friend and he rather hurt New for a little while then to hurt him- for who knows how long, with the guilt of not feeling the same way.

"p-please don't leave me." he whispers softly, with a broke voice and Tay can't hold his tears back. he hurt New. "baby, please, this is for the best." he knows he shouldn't be calling him 'baby' but it's his last time seeing him, his only time being about to call him that. "i love you, Tay." New says, still crying into Tay's neck and Tay smiles, "i love you two, Newwie."

New, reluctantly, let's go of Tay and smiles sadly. "you should go home now, it's getting late." he nods and turns around, if he walks out that door, he's officially lost his best friend, but if he stays he'll hurt both of them. "goodbye, Tay."

"goodbye, New."

New opens the door and walks open, this is for the best. he'll still hear about Tay- he may not hear from Tay, but that's fine. as long as he knows Tay is well and happy, he doesn't care. he loves him, he truly does but it's not the same love Tay feels for him.

maybe in another life, they'll be happy and in love, too bad it isn't this one.

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