All in the Family

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New York traffic was, objectively, the worst. Kujo Jotaro had driven in unpaved mountain roads in Pakistan, the crowded streets in Singapore, Calcutta, and Cairo, but New York City at 7 in the morning still took the cake.

What made it even worse was his sulking 10-year-old daughter in the passenger seat. Jolyne hugged her butterfly covered pillow tightly and frowned out the window. She wasn't happy about having to had wake up at 2 that morning to make a 4 AM flight. He didn't blame her, he wasn't excited about it either.

With a long suffering sigh he rolled down his window and pulled out the pack of cigarettes he picked up on the way out of the airport.

Jolyne glanced over at him with a sneer. "Mom doesn't like it when you do that."

"I know." He told her, lighting up at the traffic light they still had yet to pass through. He immediately held it out of the window so the smoke would stay outside of the car. "But I'm gonna need it to stay sane around this family."

"Why are we even going, then?" Jolyne asked, throwing her head back against the seat. "And why did we need to be here so early? It's Thanksgiving dinner for fuck's sake!"

"Hey!" He snapped, tossing a quick glare at his daughter. "Who taught you that?"

"You did." She snapped right back, not even bothering with a look in his direction.

Jotaro closed his eyes and sighed. She was right. He brought the cigarette back to his mouth and took a long drag.

"We're here early because your grandmother asked me to. She wants me to be the one to pick up your uncles from the airport because I'm the only one who's met them both." He told her.

"I've met Uncle Josuke." She said, looking at him from the corner of her eye.

"Do you want to come with?"

Jolyne tightened her grip on the pillow. "Maybe."

"You can." He offered, glancing at her. She didn't say anything more so he kept talking. "Grandma wants to get everyone together, especially after finding out we have two more family members that we didn't know about. Plus it'll be Shizuka's first time seeing everyone. She said we haven't had a decent Joestar reunion in years and she wanted it to happen. It's Thanksgiving, American tradition means we all get together. So here we are."

Jolyne only grunted in response. It sounded so much like himself that Jotaro almost ran into the car in front of them. 10 years and he still wasn't used to having a mini him running around in the world.

"Listen, just do it for Grandma Holly, okay? Be a grump any time, just not around her."

Jolyne pursed her lips together as she thought. "She is my favorite grandma." She reasoned with herself.

"Damn right she is." Jotaro muttered just loud enough for his daughter to hear.

Jolyne's head snapped over, the look on her face full of smug satisfaction as she caught her father swearing after he'd chided her for the same thing. Jotaro managed not to smile, but he did raise an eyebrow at her. It would be their secret.

The rest of the drive to Joseph's home was more pleasant as the two poked fun at their elderly grandfather. Despite Joseph and Suzie's ages, they were still living in a highrise apartment close to where Joestar Realty was headquartered. The position of CEO had been handed off years ago, but the proximity kept Joseph happy. And the apartment would be big enough for everyone anyway.

Though it was 8 in the morning, the apartment had a buzzing energy to it that was apparent the moment they walked in. The family's butler, Roses, greeted them at the door, taking their bags to one of the spare rooms they would be staying in.

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