13. Don't Want to Lose You

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** Chapter contains very mild depictions of violence. I do not intend to glorify or condone these behaviors. **

⊰ T H I R T E E N ⊱

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Darkness engulfed us as we fell, the black abyss swallowing us further with each passing second. Jimin grunted loudly as he crashed into the ground with a thud. I crashed on top of him, feeling the wind get knocked out of me from the rough impact. I heard him lose his breath, too. The sound of rocks hitting the floor surrounded us, until everything went silent.

My head spun and I could barely manage to lift it up, so I remained lying on top of him while I tried to recover from the fall.

"Well, that was fun," Jimin grumbled sarcastically, his voice thick with pain. His chest rumbled underneath me as he spoke. "You okay, kitten?"

"I think so. You got the worst of it," I forced out as I was still struggling to catch my breath. "You broke my fall."

"Lucky me," he muttered. That hurt like a bit-"

"Hey! You don't get to complain when you have healing abilities," I interrupted him.

He scoffed. "Just because I heal fast doesn't mean I feel pain any less than you do," he asserted.

I slowly brought my head up to squint at him, but his face was hard to make out in the darkness.

"Whatever, cry baby," I teased. Then suddenly I gasped as I felt his hand slap my butt. "Did you just-"

"You were asking for it." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I quickly sat up, ignoring the pain in my muscles, and hit against his chest in anger. "You bastard! Don't ever do that again!" I yelled, hitting his chest multiple times. I paused when his hands gripped my hips and a groan escaped his mouth.

"You need to stop that," he spoke with a strained voice, "Get off me, Katherine."

I frowned, not understanding what was wrong until realizing the position we were in. I hadn't thought twice about it since I couldn't see anything, but I had been straddling Jimin's hips while I was hitting him. I blushed furiously as I realized my effect on him and wasted no time in scrambling to my feet.

"S-sorry!" I squeaked, unable to escape the heat that crept onto my face.

"It's okay kitten, really," he mumbled tensely. I could barely see his figure as he slowly sat up.

"So, uh... how are we going to get out of here?" I asked in an awkward attempt to change the subject.

"I'm not sure... you're the one that got us into this mess," Jimin answered. "I told you we shouldn't have gone in that cave."

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