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   "My Funny Valentine," 1954, Frank Sinatra. I Hum along to the tune as I watch the scenery from a thousand feet in the air.
   Clouds rolling by in creamy blue with birds flying over what was once known as Rome; where it all began. In 410 C.E was the time when my kind starting popping up, the first of the Zodiacs-- The Aries. We sacked Rome that year, then 66 years later we ruled over the western Roman Empire.
   The wars were fast and swift. My kind had an unprecedented advantage; we're twice stronger, twice faster, and twice more ferocious. The armor they held with pride we could crush with our bare fists, the swords they held with confidence rarely pierced our skins, the warriors they held in regard only lasted seconds against ours.
   Well, that wasn't the only reason. Humans, when we came, were already fractured and bickering with one another. They themselves killed more of their own than any of us could. Oh, but when the splintered masses started to unify against our own the wars were long and brutal, the longest was the 100-year war.
   In time though, the human numbers started to dwindle and the Zodiac's only grew. When most of Europe was ours the dark ages started.
   We Aries didn't have the intricacies the humans had as far as anyone had a clue we were a fledgling race. Until the second Zodiac appeared, the Taurus's got life a little better. Finally, someone could produce food with farms and fisheries, consistent and always reliable. We were in perfect tandem.
   Then the Gemini and Cancer's arrived along with their arts and music, filling up the dull and monotonous days. After came the Leo's, our greatest rivals for power.
   Throughout the era Zodiacs popped up one by one, it wasn't till the Aquarius's did we feel we were moving as a civilization; it was their brilliant inventions and forward thinking that catapulted us to here where we stand now. In planes and cars, with guns and bombs.

   The song drifted from Frank Sinatra's "My Funny Valentine" to Ray Charles's "Hit The Road Jack". As the view got tiring, I decided to pour myself a glass of white wine to spice up the flight. Luckily the private jets owned by my father had all kinds of liquor stashed within. Once again I reassure myself by looking at the parcel in my hands containing the familiar letters of my name, as it is read:

   Dear Zachary,

   As I have received word that your training in the care of the eastern zodiacs has been concluded, I have prepared all the necessities for a quick trip home. Please hurry in all due haste, lest you miss the Ascension of your younger sister Lynnette.

   Sincerely yours, Butler.

   A toast to Butler, no better friend a man could have. My mind then drifted to the past, I wonder how much did little Lynnie grow these past couple years. I went back to my seat and slept with the past in mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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