Chapter One:

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Currently a work in progress.
First time using wattpad, and this story is still under a lot of maintenance and revision.
I plan to make this a very long story.

18+  ISH

I eased my bag to my side as I slid around the corner, uneasy about what I would say at the gate. My mind a mess of what I was going to do and how to go about doing it all. And how to avoid certain people.  Lost in my thoughts I felt a hand slide over my mouth,  moist and covered in a latex glove.  I bit at the hand, and reached up, but was promptly tied. I couldn't bite through the glove surprisingly, finding only thick leather on the other side of the latex. A blindfold was shoved over my head, the fabric silky but secure. The taste of the spit on the glove was off, and tingled against my tongue as I struggled with the person. Caught off guard and unsure what was going on, I pulled free of my attacker.
He pushed me roughly against a marbled wall, the stone cold against my cheek. The villain's other hand slid around my mouth.
"Scream for a hero and I'll kill them all." A mans voice whispered next to my ear. "Be reasonable and we will get through this just-fine. Stop biting me and I'll take off the blindfold."
I released his hand and he carted me off by my wrists, tied behind my back by sturdy rope. My knees felt weak and my spine felt like jelly. My throat felt heated and I wondered what he had made me ingest.
"What did you do to me?" I mumbled softly, my mouth felt slower than I intended.
"I create aphrodisiacs." He replied, still carting me backwards. "There's some steps here."
I knew I only had to wait until this blew over or some heros showed up. But I wasn't sure how his Quirk would keep affecting me.
"Oh boss you caught another one?" I heard, the voice somewhat rough. "Plenty of pretty fish today."
I could hear panicked sounds and muffled whimpers from other people in the room, along with a frequent pacing of three people.
"I take it there hasn't been any heros yet?" I heard, tougher, and further away.
I could feel the hesitation and movement of the man holding my ropes. I assumed they exchanged glances.  My knees Shook softly after we got past the steps. There was a heavy sigh.
"Move the chairs over." The villain holding onto me ordered. "It's time for a little fun."
"Haha- alright. This is my favorite part about this job." That rough sounding person from before said.
There was faint scraping as furniture was moved. I was tugged over and pushed down, my knees gave way and I sat. My head felt heated and it was hard to breathe. Everything felt tense and yet unresponsive. I could barely move. The blindfold was removed.  I watched as the villain slid his tie back on. His expression seemed tense, not fearful, but somewhat downcast. He let out a sigh, sliding a hand over his hair, tussling his messy black hair. His eyes slid to the hostages. Girls cowering over each other. Arms bound tightly with rope behind their backs. A few of them tied in rope bondage, those few seemed to be under the same Quirk that I was, they were red faced and breathing heavy, doing their best not to move against their binding. They seemed lost in their own feeling and not aware of what was going on anymore. Which made them a lot easier to keep in line. The room was large, round, the building old and made of Marble. I could see a check-out station near the middle, and gates to either side. This was a high class jewelry store, i had been dragged into the middle of a heist. There were four other villains, dressed in dark colors and carrying weapons, one of them was covered in fur and had a animalistic snout with pricings. The lead villain was dressed nicely, wearing a suit. He had been using his tie to blindfold me when he brought me back here. He seemed as if he was doing his own sort of pacing, keeping himself busy as his other men ran the heist. He picked a girl, who cried out and tried to move away once he grabbed her.  He whispered something against her ear and she became more complacent. He sat her in the chair and sat across from her.
"You know, I never tire of seeing the way people react to my Quirk." He whispered softly, to her, though I could hear.
His eyes seemed distant for a moment, but focused on her again. She shifted in the chair, her arms bound behind her, secured tightly. He slid a finger to his mouth and lathered a small amount of his spit onto it. I watched as he leaned closer to her, then slid his hand against her cheek. His finger slid to her neck and slowly trailed along her shirt. She trembled at his touch and reddened quickly. The corners of his mouth twitched softly. He slid his lips to hers softly, she struggled against her ropes, but he grasped her chin. After a moment she swallowed, he eased back a bit as she made a tense noise, blushing more. She stammered a moment and struggled against the ropes again, though much weaker now.
"It's much better for you if you surrender." He whispered, sliding his mouth to her neck. "It'll feel much better."
It seemed as if he was about to say more, but there was a minor explosion at the front of the shop, then the shattering of glass. Followed faint hushed arguing, then an abrupt yelling, which was quieted and muffled. The villain sighed and removed himself from the girl's neck. A small bit of saliva clung to her, trailed down her throat. Her body soaked it in slowly, her shaking became trembling and her breath became soft sounds, her eyes closed as she lost herself in the heat.
The villain slid to his feet and walked to the front room, hushing his men with a hand signal.
"So what heros do I have with me today?" He said loudly, mockingly as he stepped down into the storefront. "Just who do you think you are? Ruining a plan like this?"
There was another few explosions and then more shattering, the sounds of a short battle. There was quiet footsteps but the crunch of the feet on the glass seemed to echo. I could hear a somewhat frantic hushed voice. And then the villain's response, met with an argue, and faint thud. There was more talking involved for a moment, then a soft sinister chuckle. There was a moment of silence before the footsteps on the glass retreated this way. I was curious to what happened, and watched as the villain came back. He slid his gloves off, they were hardened and singed. He shoved them in his back pocket. He brought my attention back to the girl in the chair, who by now has become a puddle of herself in heat.  He made a soft "tsk" as he grabbed her again. She made a soft sound and behaved like jelly in his hands. He gently returned her to the group of girls he had taken her from.  His attention slid to me. He smiled, though it felt insidious.
"What is a UA student doing walking to school so late in the day?" He asked me, taking my arm and setting me in the chair.
I could feel the girl's moisture lingering on the seat and I tried not to shift against but it clung to my thighs.
"Today is my first day" I said gently, then let out a breath as I looked to him. "What is a villain like you doing to girls in a jewelry store?"
He seemed amused by my reaction and slid closer to me, scooting his chair close enough to me that his knee slid between mine. I could feel my own tension raise.
"What should I call you?" He asked, his bright green eyes locking on mine. 
"Don't call me anything." I told him, shifting back in the chair a bit, trying to avoid his touch. "What is your Quirk?"
"Like I said," he started, then licked his finger gently. "I secrete aphrodisiacs. And after enough, some people fall apart. I wonder how long you'll be able to handle it."
His finger slid to my mouth and I unintentionally glared it down. He must have realized my intention because he made that "tsk-tsk" sound and slid his finger to my neck, smearing the aphrodisiac against my skin. I felt it tingle and I shifted against my chair again. He smirked softly.
"It's much easier if you ingest it, but you have been trying to bite me since I caught you." He said, his hand slid to my knee. "Though there's other places that can ingest..."
His voice trailed off intentionally as he made eye contact with me again, shifting closer.
"What do you usually do to girls?" I asked softly, biding my time, hoping my body would adjust.
"Usually?" He asked, then smirked at me. "Guess."
He then shifted close to me, I looked aside so he slid to my neck. Gently leaving a trail of aphrodisiac to my ear.
"Well, if you comply, I won't do this to someone else." He whispered gently, at which I shuddered.
My body heated as it absorbed a little more of his aphrodisiac. He removed his hand to gently lick his fingertips.
"Your lips look fairly nice, are you sure you don't mind any of this?" He asked, sliding his hand to the back of my chair.
I hissed at him and eyed him.
"No kissing." I went, his eyebrow shifted up at me. "Anything but kissing."
He smiled, though it was softer than usual.  He shifted to me again, his hand slid to my thigh and I jerked unintentionally, shifting back. He snickered, his aphrodisiacs soaking into me more. His mouth slid to my collarbone and I made a soft whine as I held my breath.
"What? Are you scared?" He whispered softly, my body started to fall apart, I mumbled at him and shuddered. "Oh, I see. Trying to tough it out-"
He went to say more but I felt a portal open and close. The skylight above us shattered. The glass fell in small enough pieces that it almost felt like dust, which was done intentionally by someone powerful.
"My my, look what we have here~" I heard, in a familiar mocking tone. "Oh and with a little friend I see. I'm sure your brother won't mind if I keep you."
"K-kiba wait-" I tried to say, but she slid to me and the villain.
My clone was clad in her usual skimpy dark clothes. Most of her skin exposed in the tank top and shorts the wore. She gave me a fond smile, though as it came from Her, it felt more sinister than endearing. Her deep red eyes took in the room and the hostage situation. She seemed almost content with what was going on. She landed softly on the glass dust in the clearing.
"How do you know my brother?" He asked, standing, sending his chair backwards. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to dispose of you,  but it seems you met a friend of mine." Kiba went, sliding her hair over her shoulder. "Ah and she's about to go out. Lick her once more for me."
"No- i-" the villain went, but Kiba caught him by his mouth and kissed him.
He pushed against her and stumbled back when he was released. Kiba's lips slid to mine and I tried to struggle. She pried my lips open and I could taste the villain's aphrodisiac as she forced it into my mouth. I choked on it somewhat and the heat rushed over me. She phased her appearance, making herself look like my chosen hero form. She already looked like me, being a clone, but phasing to look like Yang was to much. The only difference still was her eyes, a deep unsettling red that she still could not change. Her hair now a faded white, almost ghostlike. She still wore that skimpy outfit. I struggled as much as I could through the heat, my body trembling and starting to go numb. She loosened my binding and snickered at me, thoroughly amused with herself.
She grabbed me and tossed me over her shoulder. The head villain attempted to attack her, but she swiftly slid back. He was caught off guard at her movement and she took the chance to incapacitate in. Dropping him over her knee as she gave a finishing kick. She realized she couldn't hold both of us so easily and phased her body to be just a bit bigger. She tucked him under her arm and notioned to the rest of the crew.
"Your master will be done shortly. I'll take out this trash as agreed." She explained, trotting off to the front of the store as if she had just bought the best jewels.
I protested as much as I could, but she just held onto me, adjusting me over her shoulder as she walked. I eyed the hostages as they watched in confusion, some still brushing the glass off themselves. There was faint sounds and shuffling from where we were headed.  The broken jewelry displays were empty, Kiba's feet faintly crunched on the glass below. She snickered softly as we passed by two people huddled on the floor.
I recognized them as Midoriya and Bakugou. Both had been neutralized efficiently by the villain's aphrodisiac. Their faces red, breathing tense. Bakugou was unconscious and Midoriya stared at me as kiba walked us out. He seemed to be both glaring at Kiba, but also concerned for me.
The sunlight outside was intense, blinding me and overwhelming me with heat. My body struggled again, but shutting my eyes didn't help, the world seemed to swirl around me and I fainted.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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