1~ Ughh

8 1 0

*Beep, beep, beep, beep*
My stupid alarm. Why couldn't I have just stayed with Dad? There's no use moving here. At least I get to go back for the summer.
With my alarm still beeping my mother, Elizabeth, came into my room and began to scold me for not being up on time.

"Mackenzie Maillett! You better be awake the next time I come in here! You'll be late if you don't start getting ready. You don't want to be late on your first day do you?"

I groaned, and slowly raised myself out of the comfort of my bed and headed towards my door. As I stumbled down the stairs mother called out to me as my stomach rumbled,

"Breakfast is ready Mack!"

Hungry, I hurried down the rest of the stairs.As I reached the bottom step the glorious scent of pancakes fill my nose. I licked my lips and proceeded to walk to the kitchen. I take a seat at the further end closet to the door. Mother brings a plate of pancakes to me.

I finish eating and then grab all my stuff and head out the door. I get in my car start the engine and turn on the radio and I head to school.

It's already two months into the school year so I'll probably have to get caught up, which is what the principal said when I visited last Friday. So that means everyone's already got there little clicks and groups. It's going to be hard to make friends. Well here I am in front of my "new" school.

Hey I am awful at writing books and i don't even know if I'm going to continue this book. If it's really bad I might just stop so yeah don't expect too much out of this book

Word Count: 306 Words

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